Arachyr impossible to kill Skandiel or Hamelin

It will come as a shock to literally no-one that you said you could, but you didn’t.

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i quit though so i couldn’t even though i easily could.

Source: Your imagination.


Put that on Wikipedia and it becomes legit hard proof.

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So, about that GR136…

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You’ve still got until Sunday but the stakes have moved to GR137 solo now…

tempting, gr137 is laughably low, but nah i’m not going to reward blizzard when they allow cheaters to run rampant.

The target’s moved again…

If it’s “laughably low” it should be easy to beat, right?

it is, but also, you need to be able to read what i typed if you’re going to keep replying to this, because you keep saying you’ve extended it which doesn’t apply to what i said in your quotes.

The quote I keep using was you responding to me clearing a solo GR135, and you saying that you could do better, on hardcore, in two days. Two months later, you still haven’t even done that.

But then you went further and said GR137 was laughably low. Now I’ve done a GR138 you’re back to saying you only meant GR135. Well, come on, how laughably low does the target have to be for you to actually beat it, rather than just saying you could beat it?

Oh, and remember, this is on a WD, i.e. a class you said I didn’t know anything about and shouldn’t give advice about because I’d hardly played it.

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Where is your awesome WD?
I’m waiting for your awesome WD…

Edit: you don’t have seasonal WD on your Bravata’s account…

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i think you’re only goading me because you know i quit playing. like an insecure manchild that starts taunting the better man when he figures out the better man isn’t going to fight.
Key and Peele did a bit on this involving babies, good stuff.

Booookey sound track! It used to be babies but i swear it was changed to goats LOL. Last time i listened was wierd.

You claimed you could do better than a solo GR135, on hardcore, in two days played.
What I’m doing is calling your bluff because, two months later, you haven’t.

You can claim to be better than me.
I can show that I’m better than you.

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Nope, all of us are simply calling out your :horse: :poop: .

You claimed you can do better than GR135, on HC, in 2 days. People want evidence. Claiming to be able to do something without evidence is meaningless. It’s time for you to actually prove some of the rubbish you keep spouting.

Meanwhile Meteorblade has been providing evidence of what he’s been doing. You have provided none. Wonder why people are laughing at you? Ridiculing you?

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you’re just doing the same, since you know i quit the season. very brave of you.

Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon…

i did the season journey for the cosmetics on this account. isn’t it obvious?

seriously it’s pretty weird the obsession you have.

So, you didn’t quit the season.


Get a room you two. :yawning_face: