Arachyr impossible to kill Skandiel or Hamelin

literally the worst class, “but it’s good, trust me”.

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Yes, it is “the worst” performing class. Doesn’t change the fact that people do enjoy playing it despite it being behind in overall power.

Why are you berating others for playing a class they enjoy?


the least amount of people of all classes. for good reason.

you’re just proving my point, ty.

the worst performing class and the least played class, and these trolls are trying to convince people it’s in a good spot.

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Sorry team, need to correct a couple things I said.

I claimed 100 hours on WD, I checked my account, I only played Witch Doctor for 87 hours.

Season 23 is what I said but season 20 is what I meant. The season 20 WD was legit.

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Arachyr is much more fun after the rework. I’m enjoying it.

ZoomZoom with spirit walk to an elite pack, horrify them, group them with Piranado, Locus Swarm, get a ton of spiders out, spirit walk again and do a circle around the group to infest them, resume chucking spider jars and keeping skills on cooldown, everything dies.

Yeah the spiders don’t focus on a single enemy, but the infesting of the web link helps clear the groups of smaller monsters. Yeah, not the most powerful build, but still fun!

So far I’ve pushed a 118 GR in around 9 minutes. Still looking for better versions of my current gear.


So, again, care to explain your choices shown here…

You say you don’t like losing.
So why do you keep choosing a class that, you say, makes you a loser?


Looks like Bravata is your biggest fan, MeteorBlade. He shows it with his character names. :stuck_out_tongue:

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“yah well you know how i clear 118’s? i hold right click and mostly watch netflix.” -every other class.

imagine needing +8 steps to kill one pack of mobs.


So what… After going through the sequence several times, you begin executing it without thinking about it.

Many other builds have damage windows they must line up which requires paying attention. Look at the Innas Fire Mystic Ally build. Again, once you go through the sequence several times, you begin executing it without thinking much about it.

If you want ez mode, play spin2win WhirlRend Barb or GoD DH. There’s nothing wrong with ez mode, it’s perfectly fine if you want to play that way.

Don’t waste your time answering Blablata , he is a troll


nice sock puppet alt account lol

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The Rank 2 4-man team in the world features a WD, and so do the teams at ranks 6, 7, 11, 13, 23 and 24. Yes, 7 of the world’s top 25 clears have a WD in the squad. Are you saying all these squads are losers, despite them being in the top 25 teams in the world?


yah my third cousin on my boyfriends mothers side met a guy who had a roommate that met Channing Tatum on the set of Magic Mike. So i guess that pretty much makes me friends with Matthew McConaughey.

You could be in the world’s Rank 2 4-man squad.

Seven of the world’s top 25 4-man clears include a WD.
Are those WD players suffering and losing?

Do you? Apparently, despite your highest kill count hero being a WD, and your most played time class being a WD, you don’t realise that WDs can be in world class 4-man squads.

That Rank 2 4-man GR150 clearance, with a WD in the team, cleared it in 2 minutes 47 seconds. That sounds pretty powerful to me, especially when Rank 1 was only around 1.65 seconds faster.

And yet it’s in a team that clears GR150 in 2 minutes 47 seconds.

Please explain all those groups with WD in them doing GR150s.

Literally so bad that they’re doing 4-man GR150s in under 3 minutes.

Objective data shows that a well-played WD can feature in world class 4-mans.

Maybe instead you should be watching these GR150 clears and learn how to play WD.

At this point that’s more likely than you knowing how to play WD, it seems.


Why are you even posting in this thread acting like you know what you’re talking about. You have owned this game for a decade and have only played witchdoctor for about 1 hour total. Ten years and you play 1 hour and think you have a masters degree in witchdoctor. You literally have no witchdoctor knowledge at all. AT ALL.

You are not one of us. You are a Spin2Win barb, NOT EVEN A REAL BARB, telling US how the game works. Stop trolling, fraud.

Edit: omg it’s even more embarrassing. Your 1 time playing witchdoctor in the entire last decade was to make a level 31 puzzle ring vendor mule. You’ve never even been over level 31 on witchdoctor.

You’re absolutely correct that I haven’t played WD much. However, you clearly have and, despite that disparity in time playing the class, I’m the one proving that WDs can be part of world class 4-man groups, despite you saying only losers would play one. Apparently I can learn more in a much shorter time.

Season 10, with a level 70 WD…

Season 17, with a level 70 WD…

Season 24, with a level 68 WD… (before changing to the level 6 vault method for ethereals)

Completing Act IV, Inferno on all five classes…

Specifically, on a WD…

Having a level 70 WD back in 2016…

Anything else you’d like to try and use to deflect from you being proved objectively wrong about whether WDs can be worthwhile in groups when I’ve literally shown you that they can be in world class teams?

what else are you going to pretend you know everything about, Meteorfraud?

Claims this…

Then posts this…

…proving that I’ve had a level 70 Witch Doctor. Outstanding.


I have 1% of my play time on WD.
You have 22% of your play time on WD.

You claimed only losers would play a WD.
I showed that world class 4-man teams are using WDs.

It seems I learned more about WDs in my 1% than you did in your 22%.

You have been shown to be objectively wrong about Witch Doctors by someone that hardly ever plays one. It must be embarrassing for you, as it’s your most played class and should be the class you know most about, but how is anything I’ve said fraud? What have I claimed in this thread that I haven’t backed up with facts, evidence and screenshots?

You literally said only losers would play WD and I’ve shown world class teams use them.

I’m not claiming to know everything about WD, as I clearly don’t. I’m just showing you know even less than I do, despite playing them 22 times as much as I have.


i think what we’ve thoroughly discovered here is that you like to talk about game mechanics a lot, yet you have barely experienced the game outside of Whirlwind babr. Nobody in their right mind would ever take advice from someone with almost Zero experience in 90% of the game.

Another great blablata trolling thread