☐ Will class libraries be accessible for reference? Source: n/a
☐ Will interfaces be separated into closed and open battle.net? Source: n/a
☒ Confirmed, ☐ Not confirmed
Topic Rules
Community managers are welcome to answer what they can. Even if they can only answer some of the aforementioned, it will be appreciated. Discretion is, however, also appreciated.
Modders may answer questions they know the answer to, or include additional questions they have that may be relevant to this topic.
Opinions are not welcome. What you want is not relevant and will be flagged as spam. Repeated offense will be flagged as trolling.
My demand was aimed at ordinary users such as myself, and the demand was simple; do not derail my topic. If it weren’t for how you at least tried to be on topic by redirecting me to somewhere I could get answers, I would’ve flagged your post, as well.
I have not demanded any replies from Blizzard, nor have I abused the flagging system for posts that I “simply don’t like”; I flag spam, which includes posts that are not relevant to the topic being discussed, and topics that frequently reoccur within a day.
Furthermore, the Battle.net Web API is distinguishable from the client’s, which means that posting questions in said forum will not give me the answers I’m after.
You can report a post that violates our Code of Conduct or forum guidelines by using the “flag” icon at the bottom right corner of the offending post. Please note you can only submit a given number of reports per day, so please avoid using this functionality to report posts you don’t like or agree with and limit usage to posts that are clear violations.
Most people consider an antagonistic post trying to tell others who can post and who can’t, as trolling.