AoV No Horse To Ride On


I went back to the pig sticker set up for AoV as the steed set broke a leg last patch. The power level isn’t terrible. Killing things isn’t a problem. Staying alive okay too. What makes me not even want to finish a grift is how slow this guy moves. I’m not worried about keeping up with progress. I’m worried if I can move fast enough to get to the next level in time.

Lazy shotgun I’m fine with being slow. It’s lazy after all. But the holy shotgun version needs to be more exciting imo.

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IMO, all three Crusader law trees should have a 60% movement bonus built in to them by default. Crusader’s real annoying feature has always been its snail-slow movement.

Heaven’s of fury often perform in higher level of GR,so steed is not absolutely necessary.The problem is Cru fast clear GR,rely on Fist of the heaven and Invoker,both of them needs buff 3GR.The last patch,Cru is the least popular role undoutely,the reason is FoTH and the reborned Invoker is not so strong enough.

Crusader just dropped out of the Top 10 for S26 performance:

The honorable mentions are fine:

  • AoV is generally okay, I’d like to see Fists of the Heaven’s raised via Khassett’s like we said in the past.
  • Akkhan Phalanx is a good choice to become the star of this set. High Resource Cost has to be the problem that makes a player choose Akkhan’s over LoD. I’d change Eternal Union to double the resource cost, but increase the power of Phalanx by 500% – along with other treatments to other legendary items.
  • LoD/LoN Bombardment is in great shape, very versatile and can serve as a trash clearer in groups.

Invoker Needs Refinement

  • Invoker I wish they exchanged Bombardment on the 4pc bonus for Provoke. Bombardment ruins targeting, Provoke does not. If they made it so the 4pc bonus granted 50% DR and thorns damage, that’d be enough to encourage more set usage.

What About Roland’s and Seeker?

  • Roland’s Shield Bash/Glare must become the top performer of Roland’s. Fast moving Shield Bash with a bursty Shield Glare attack. This has the ingredients to be strong if they can correct the attack speed bug and introduce some modern legendary damage bonuses.
  • Seeker of the Light is fundamentally sound, but it lacks defense and damage. The 4pc should offer 75% DR. Let Sacred Harness increase Blessed Hammer damage by 400-500%.

It dropped out of the top 10 because it isnt fun to play anymore. I literally havent registered a gr clear for it because i rage quit when i get a long slow map, lol.


Good suggestions,friend,sorry,I am Asian,English bad.
But you mention provoke increase throns damage is not a good idea in invoker 4p bonus,in last patch,some players chose bombardment for 50%DR in higher GR for ranks,someones chose condemn to suck mobs in fast clear GR,another players chose provoke for high block.Because of Invoker build has one skill bar players can free to choice(1.Slash 2.Akalat 3.laws 4.iron-skin 5.steed charge 6.bombardment/condemn/provoke),a skill can free to choice it’s always a good thing.So that’s why my suggestion is buff 6p bonus 67500%→97500% to compensate 4p bonus weak.

A role not popular,the reason is always weak rather than boring.

This was my suggestion during PTR.

During PTR 2.7.3 I wanted to force players to use Punish and Slash together. And help improve zCru at the same time.

Invoker does NOT need Bombardment to trigger the 4pc 50% DR.

The 4pc needs a compatible skill replacement: Slash, Punish, Provoke, Consecration any of these work fine — just get Bombardment off the set.

No worries about the English. I understand you fine.

My friend,your PTR suggestion is outstanding.but why not this:You take 50% less damage for 10 seconds after damaging an enemy with Punish and Slash. Enemies hit by Punish and Slash take 50% more damage from all sources for 3 seconds.
Slash of Invoker’s damage also need buff 3GR.

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This suggestion works great. I hope a dev notices it.

it would be nice if bombardment was built into the set
(I6) somehow. it is a waste of use a skill slot for it.

Gonna be pushing a bit with A6I4 until the RNG gods give me new toys to play with. ie - a decent fate of the fell, AoV helm, something. I don’t think im gonna pursue holy shotgun anymore but I’ve always enjoyed the lazy version of it.

Akarat’s would look even better with a core speed buff. Less programming for the devs, and every crusader build uses that skill.


in other slow news… I made a Norvold free bombsader and cracked the top 20 seasonal. No horse, no speed. Just RNG and hopefully a speed pylon. On the bright side, it’s pretty hard to die.

If Akarat’s is to get any sort of revision why not make the base skill grant 150% armor, then set the Prophet rune to only grant cheat death. I think that makes the rune choices much more fair.

As far as the Laws, Skywarden is a competing cube slot item with Furnace and Echoing Fury. Let Skywarden provide all 3 laws at once with triple the passive bonuses — i feel that is balanced and should help fragile builds and low paragon players.

All 3 Laws Passives At Once Multiplied by 3
24% AS
32,184 Life per Second
420 All Resists

Either skip using a law on your bar, or, equip a law on the skill bar for its Active Bonus.


Anything with 420 will get green lighted :wink:

Apache, I built an Akkhan Bombsader yesterday without the thorse,

  • Pig Sticker
  • Akarat’s Awakening
  • F&R
  • Punish + Gathering Sweep

At 6500 paragon it is doing GR135-137. The bombs were hitting somewhere between 700T-9Q in peak conditions, but this was the whole way through, no CoE cycle. I really wanted to use Johanna’s like this, I suppose I could by sacrificing Crimson, but I was at 73% CDR. It’s a hard to say goodbye to that damage.

That sounds like fun. I just made a seasonal H-bomb version of the AK bombsader today. Mainhand is Johnnanas argument, offhand is whatever shield gives you the most dps, then zodiac instead of CoE. You can keep the horse because it’s almost immortal. The cooldowns cycle so quickly that I can’t press buttons fast enough. It also “fixes” the boring rift guardian fights. You could keep COE, but I just found a rather nice primal justice lantern so It’s hard to take it off.

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