as much as I want to play d2, I don’t really feel like playing just to restart progress next month mostly bc knowing my luck RNG will love me during the open beta instead of torturing me then change the second I start after release.
plus I don’t want to have to get rushed, get to a viable build and level just to not have it progress.
so I jumped back on d3 and was wondering if anyone would wanna help fill me in with what I’ve missed or things I need to know (how ancient my gear is, any significant changes etc)
I dont recall if I updated my build but one look at any of them and you can tell how long it’s been bc it’s been… a very long time. lol
Start here:
thanks, yeah im just returning after a long time.
ill check out the links and try to figure out where i dropped off lol and go from there
for reference i had to make new d3fans account bc i forgot my sign in, but if anyone else is wondering where i was, here’s my multi shot dh. (i want to say i remember my necro being better? idk bout my wizard. forgot i had one ha, will probably update with those builds as well but figure the dh is enough for you to get an idea of where was/am at)
d3 fans - /builds/109297-multi-shot-dh