Anyone interested in attempting Sprinter/Speed Racer on PS4 this season?

My partner and I are 1:45 shy of achieving it in regular mode. We need a little more gear toggling and gem leveling in HC, but are pretty close to being ready. We’re looking for one or two more experienced players to try!

I haven’t started Diablo 3 this season, so if you’re willing to help gear me, I can help with Sprinter or Speed Racer.

PSN: Nytegard

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Thank you! I’ll add you in about an hour or less and we can get started right away if that works for you. PSN - ProfessorSong626
Thanks again.

Curious as to why you need gear toggling and gems? You just throw a speed build together, put the game on Normal and never worry about damage or health?

As long as you can infinite dash as a monk, infinite vault as a DH or do chicken runs with WD or heck WW with barbs you are sorted.

This guy is truely a master, he put up and stuck thru it with me a few seasons ago to do this, I dont know what our time was but it was super close to failure. I would recommend printing off the maps with the pathways to go.

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