Anyone for Sprinter on XBox One?

Since it was on sale this weekend, I went ahead and picked it up. If you need help running Sprinter later on, I can help with that.

Im down to attempt it on HC xbox.

Skipping cutscenes i go through hitting several buttons, as sometimes one button works, and other times ots a fifferent button. I hit the back(window button), then hit the start(menu button, followee by hitting the “B” button twice. If you accidentally pause the game with start button, b button cancels that and second b button skils the cutscenes.

Did they ever fix the issues with game crashes and bugs in campaign that made it almost impossible to complete this conquest this season? I attempted it 3 times at the start of the season, each time I had a good pace going and got bugged out.

Nope. And I actually found a new bug when I ran Speed Racer the other day. One of the quests deactivated. I’ve never seen that before running the conquest. (I managed to capture it on my Twitch channel. Having a hard time figuring out how to just edit the video to only include the 3 minute section, rather than the full run.)

But yeah, I can help with Speed Racer if you want.

Anyway, I found out what caused a few of the game stopping bugs. It has to do with multiplayer and several characters on the same screen. I’ve found that there are sections where you only want one person entering, otherwise you can bug out the game. And I’ve been able to get it to be replicable.

Now, for the Diablo 3 crazy person in me, I finally picked it up also on the Switch, so now I have it on every platform. The Switch is definitely the weirdest of the 3, as everything is reversed (including the hard coded buttons). It’s really weird how every platform has its own quirks. But the XBox version seems to be definitely the hardest to run the conquest, while the PS4 is the easiest. I still have to gear up for Sprinter on the Switch, but I ran through some of the campaign on my leveling session, and it’s easier than the XBox. Plus, unless you have an Xbox Series, the XBox has the worst loading times of all the consoles. And it shows. Only 5 people total have completed Sprinter or Speed Racer combined on the Xbox, whereas 10+ people have completed Sprinter alone on both the Switch and PS4.

I want to do it also and have a runner build. Feel free to add me if you would like to do it.
GT: stonyMantela