Anyone else seeing Server down?

Anyone else getting a server down error?

Yes. Just started a few minutes ago.

Yes, the PTR is down. Will there be another patch? I hope so!


Probably end of the ptr itself


Shouldnā€™t be done until 6pm PST

Thereā€™s enough contention on the forums, and the new cru/monk sets are so far behind, thereā€™s probably justification for a new update patch and another few days of PTR. Just in my observances/opinion.

I just saw a blizz post ptr concluded, but got removed?


It is closed now. Pinned on the first page of PTR Feedback page.

ā€˜Many of our development team members have also been watching streams, videos, and reading up on your PTR experiences!ā€™

-Nevalistis in the sticky.

Great, lets balance off of people that play D3 for a living, instead of the vast majority that only play an hour or two a week. I mean, yeah, watching streamers can provide some valuable information, but it can also extremely skew results to the 1%. I assume they donā€™t do all their balancing off of that, but seeing the way those full timers play can be a shock that throws off the entire process. Thereā€™s a reason most of us donā€™t stream, because we arenā€™t running 140ā€™s with 10k+ paragon. Nobody is gonna tune into someone with 1800 para struggling with a 108.

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Most D3 steamers arenā€™t ā€œfull timeā€ and their knowledge of the game is super beneficial. Itā€™s a good way for the devs to see what is going to be played and what needs tweaking.

I miss the PTR vendor already

well if they got their information from quin weā€™re f*cked he isnā€™t up to date, since like 1-2 years^^
rhykker is more entertainer than gamer but all have the problem that both the new sets were really underforming (and poor designed) and testing them and then comparing them to the barb changes could get some wrong results

many were just overwhelmed how strong ww is right now but either

  • havnā€™t been playing much recently at all or
  • ignore the fact that vyrs, thorns necro and starpact are as strong or
  • simply that ww has a really fast start and scale well in the early season (but could hit a wall in the endgame were it not for killstreaks and fishing for bosses), which doesnā€™t say in general the build is op because shadow dh is also incredible strong early on but loses momentum pushing higher
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Yeah, and the 2000% magic find is also kinda fun, for a while at least.

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The thing is, people only hear of the big scores but the 1000-3,000 paragon population is probably the greater majority of players in a season that do not have all day to play it.
With millions of sales apparently, itā€™s indicative that 1,000 players on a leaderboard do not fully represent the majority.
As to whether they do it that way or base it on the highest scores, I have no idea. Some conflicting choices have been made at times, so itā€™s hard to tell.

PTR should be closed. Yesterday was last day scheduled.

After PTR concludes Ptr Feedback is set to read-only mode. What did not happen. Maybe another PTR cycle starts next Thursday.


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