Anyone else not getting 5 gem ups in Empowered GR-solved?

In a GR54 with Empower Rift checked, I only was only able to improve my gem 4 times instead of 5. I didn’t die. I completed the rift in under 3 minutes.

This is the first time ever this has happened. I assumed, at first, that I had forgotten to check the Empower Rift box. But when I got back to town, the box was checked.

Has this happened to anyone else? Did the check maybe stay after leaving the game and returning and I need to uncheck and recheck it? I’m just trying to solve the mystery.

I have posted this in the bug report area, but was wondering if anyone could add anything to the subject.

I tested checking the Empowered Rift box, leaving the game, and coming back in. The check remained. I’m pretty sure this is the bug. I’ll report it as such.

What I would do is try to reproduce the bug before raising a stink about it.

Note that I’m not trying to be a butt about this; I’m genuinely saying repro steps are THE most important thing when it comes to fixing bugs. I’m an amateur programmer, and I used to get bug reports ALL the time on my Skyrim mods. Turns out, sometimes they were legit and sometimes they weren’t, but MOST of the time I had literally zero idea how to actually SEE the bug in action.

Cuz people will just post “it doesn’t work” and I’m left there going "well, do you have the mod ON? Did you actually DO the thing? :confused: "

If it’s a one-of fluke, then likely it won’t ever get fixed because it literally might never happen ever again. If it’s 100% guaranteed, “follow these 3 steps and you’ll always bug out” then that’s much more of a priority.

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Yeah, retired software engineer here…I’m not going to do their work for them unless it becomes a real nuisance. I gave all the clues I could without wasting valuable resources. Later in the season when gold is no longer an issue, I can test again … if I remember.

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It’s a tiny gold loss in the big scheme of things.
Point is, just tick it in once more and you’ll see. That’s the whole point of the currency, to accelerate growth and earn even more! :slight_smile:

Doing some G13-G15 bounties and 5-10 greater rifts (65-69), I made 200 million this week off season. (I’m pretty sure there was one goblin area, too, being most of it.)

Judging from your relatively low paragon (491) and your gems on armory being 55-55-60, and the fact that upgrade chance is 100% for GR 10 levels below, 90% for 9 levels below and so on for a while, is there a chance you were smashing your buttons (like many do) and it simply failed?

(Paragon is not a stab, it’s just that GR 65 gave me well over a level at 630, thus I’m wondering maybe you didn’t run 65+ at the time of reporting.)

I only pay for 100% gems ups. For example, I play GR59 to get gems from 45 to 50. And the 11mil or so will be tiny soon, but not yet. Thank you for your input

I have nearly 40k hrs in this game, seen many strange bugs but have never seen what you have described. After you killed next RG, before you click, please pay attention to how many gem upgrade chances left. If you click fast enough, you can double click in quick session 2 gem ups in 1 gem up time. Some of us used this back in 1% gem up days “feeling” luckier with back to back 1% clicks in very quick session.

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