Anyone else exploiting via powerleveling?

Stop feeding the troll. Check his post history.


I definitely exploit things that are allowed all the time. I get powerleved every season. I offer my zbarb skills to my normal group and they return the favor with getting me gear and 600 paragon in a few hours. Maybe you should try it. Or stop crying. Both sound like excellent options to me.


Yeah. I was shocked at how easy it was to get to 70 using them. If RNG worked in my favor and let me chain shrines, it was spectacular. No need to PL in a group.

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The resident trolls certainly do.

Oh each shrine spawns its own clone. Had 3 clones wreaking havoc in the Fields of Misery. Must have gotten around 25 paragon levels just from that.

What insane level are you playing that you get those rewards?

Funny how for someone who goes on about powerleveling being cheating you seemingly don’t know about the fastest way to level either.

I never understood the sentiment that powerleveling is allegedly cheating. I’ve been powereleveled and I also have powerleveled others. Not once have I considered that cheating.

It’s your own fault if you’re not properly prepared to face level 70 content solo after being powerleveled. Craft and/or gamble some level 70 gear, you might even ask kindly for those powerleveling you to give you some of their junk legendaries. That way you should be T1 viable very easily and then you can solo.

I love when I have something to flag in these forums.

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speed-prestige-addiction is the bane of all games with the word ‘action’ in them.

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Gonna go out on a limb and say you play the forum boards better than you play the game.

it’s all good. As long as you are having fun. Have at it!

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This season you don’t need power leveling, you have the clones. My strat was to hunt pylons, ignore mobs, and nuke elites. Worked flawlessly in rifts or regular levels.

Powerlevel, don’t powerlevel, nobody cares. Get 70 in a few minutes or a few hours. It doesn’t matter. Leveling is a joke and irrelevant to the game anyway.


This is why we need a down vote button.


Facts are true regardless of filter or view, since you are interpreting them as you see it that makes it an opinion and not facts. It is your opinion and interpretation of a situation, not a factual summary.

in * your opinion* powerleveling or group play is exploiting, that does not make it so.


For me, the easiest way to find a pylon was to look for the level exit. That is where most of mine have been.


Leveling 1-70 doesn’t take more than a few hours even when doing it solo, especially this season. Just start a T6 game, TP to the Leoric’s Manor, pop the pylon that’s almost always there, and watch your clone melt everything. Rinse and repeat maybe 10 times, and you’re at 70.
At that point it doesn’t take more than a few hours, perhaps 10 if you’re taking it slowly, to do the part of the season journey that gives you the free set, at which point you’re effectively good to go and run T16s by yourself.

If none of what I said above sounds reasonable to you, I’d suggest you watch some of the start of season guides on youtube - they should be pretty easy to follow and also cover how to use the challenge rift cache, Kadala and the cube to get yourself started.

If you use none of the above tips, yes, things can be slow at first. I just started a HC toon, and without the seasonal free set, which I already got on my SC toon, it is slow going. That said, even being super-careful on HC, I’m still doing T3s with maybe 50 paragon and a cobbled-together build that uses whatever few items I found, so you really don’t need to play at “Normal.”

I leveled myself to the early 30s. I was prepared to keep on leveling to 70 all by myself, I have done so many times. However, when I saw an offer to PL to 70, I said sure. He did just that and I said thanks. He was only para 430 something too.

He didn’t have to do that. He was just being nice/generous. If someone offers to help and you say sure, are you not exploiting that person’s assistance/generosity? Can you, OP, truly say that you have never accepted someone’s aid in real life?

Now my thinking is along these lines… you missed out on day one when everyone was level one. You missed out being able to level to 70 with others that were doing the same thing. So, instead of doing it solo, you decided to complain. Also, instead of taking another player’s offer to level to 70, you decided to complain.

Honestly, if I were a D3 GM (forum monitor or moderator), I would zap this post from existence.


but but but… all our witty replies and helpful insights will go away too!

How will we educate the ignorant on their mistakes if we just nuke the evidence?

It’s like blowing up a statue cuz you don’t like the fact it reminds you of past sins…

For my first character, challenge cache.

For my second, gem of ease in a high damaging weapon, some cubed powers, ruby in helmet, maybe a leoric ring with 0 lvl requirements.

I do it alone though, cause it’s kinda fun for me and we only get to do it 3 times a year so not a big deal. I powerlevel others mid-season sometimes and share my puzzle rings too.

Not this again …

Powerleveling isn’t exploiting. It’s a choice.

If you’re proud about not having been ‘given a helping hand’, that’s good for you. Don’t tell us how to live our lives, thanks.


It’s a choice not a cheat.

If it was an exploit it would have been halted well over ten seasons ago.

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