Any reason to run a pure M6 any more?

Any reason to run a pure M6 any more?

For fun.

Mandatory characters.

I played a pure Marauder build last season.
Haven’t touched it since.

The reason I ask is that the N6M4 retains the spirit of the M6, but it’s so much more powerful. It’s also a “mix and match” type of build, but I have duplicate pieces with CA and MS bonuses. I’m thinking of settling on a build combo and ditching the other M6 pieces, and the MS specific pieces…

Your responses lead me to that as the right course of action. Thanks!

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That’s it in a nutshell. Hybrid is just so much stronger than straight up M6 that running an M6 is either just for fun or as an early season build.

M6/Hellcat/Cluster Bombs is my favourite build, I love playing it solo or with monk. It isn’t that weak, I did 115 with 1100 paragon this season while last season I only managed to do 118 with S6 and same paragon.

The biggest drawback with this build is that it can lag like crazy, and even more so on console. One season I killed 2 entire HC teams doing 100+ during one week. So I wouldn’t recommend it for HC.

I prefer pure M6 over N6M4 because I go higher with it, but it takes longer time to learn/getting used to. I have managed to rank 1 on EU and NA in periods where N6M4 was believed to be stronger.

I run Pure UE for the Gold pieces. Belt worn, Goldskin and Averice band in cube. Always Gold always upgrade the GR choices.

It’s about equal power with Captain Crimson. I have comparable clears on both:

GR125 w/ M6 Multishot and N6M4 Cluster Arrow