Anonymous - The Bourbon Kid

:question: :tumbler_glass: :cowboy_hat_face:

Oh well… :wink:

Just started reading the 10th book (yes, I am a bit behind the release date, but that is only because of the more or less 100 other books I bought and were reading through that pile first…) of the Bourbon Kid series “Showdown With The Devil” and just found out that this is again and still not the last book in the series! :slight_smile:

In September the 11th book came out: “Killing The Elite”. Has high ratings and reviews - not that I care about that, that type of fiction and especially Bizarro Fiction normally does not get either - but, is there anybody out there who is a fan of the series and maybe even has read it already or started reading it?

Not that I have an(y) idea of how to make that book series in a game, but I would be interested if all the gore would be preserved… :slight_smile: At least the movie(s) that had been started on (planning?) would be a nice thing too…

Comments welcome!