Angelic, Demonic and Ancestral stats are a bad design choice

there very well might be consumables/currency that you can spend rerolling the “stat allegiance” which could be cool too.

I don’t think your conclusions make any sense. Prerequisite affixes don’t require you to store more gear,if anything it’s less because you can still equip gear with locked affixes even if you don’t meet prerequisites.

Yes exactly Just because the Boots shown in the example have Angelic Bonus of + Cold Res. in itself means nothing.
I myself misread this as Cold Res will be locked into Angelic Power forcing me to use Angelic Power just to get that bonus res.
As this is such a small sample size one item, not based on hundreds or even thousands of items.

I don’t expect that all Items will have the feature locked in to them, I maybe wrong but it’s just an easy way to show the process.
There should and will be items that have resists that don’t have the powers.

Angelic Power, which increases the duration of all beneficial effects (like self-buffs or healing) Resists are not listed here.

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well i also hope and dont think, all afixes will be locked down
but if you can get them anyway, i really dont see the point of those powers, except for their little passive effect
just some more RNG-chance-to-find-garbage-chances

Ok think of them in this example. They add flavor to your character.
If the max resist you can ever get is 75%.
But in normal stats leveling and non power gear you can get say 50%.
Then the powers become the source that you put on your meal to make just that bit better.
Yes the Steak is nice as it is but with that Mushroom or Pepper source it’s just so much better.