Maybe, it’s just been too long, but did Diablo II ever create/add Amazon Only Gear (like Paladin’s shields, or Druid’s hats)?
I’ve seen some posts suggesting a new item like Quivers, etc… Not really interested in anything that wasn’t cannon.
Maybe, it’s just been too long, but did Diablo II ever create/add Amazon Only Gear (like Paladin’s shields, or Druid’s hats)?
I’ve seen some posts suggesting a new item like Quivers, etc… Not really interested in anything that wasn’t cannon.
some bows / spears / javelins can be ony used by amazons
Lycander’s Aim, and Titans Revenge is some of the most well known Amazon only weapons.
Like Assassins and Sorceress, Amazons got class specific weapons.
Druid and Barbarian got helmets.
Paladins and Necromancers got shields.
Ethereal Titan is worth some good dosh indeed.
Well, not to mention scepters and wands!
I mean, the fact that most classes have access to skill mods from pretty much the beginning of the game, makes me think that Amazons got a raw deal.
I totally agree with you. The zon is my favorite to play but it feels like it got left behind.
They aren’t class specific items. any class can equip a Scepter, Wand or Staff. The fact that they had skill modifers is a different point. Each class only got 1 piece of class specific item type.
And yes the “shrunken heads” of Necromancers counts as Shields, not “off hands” as the term goes in D3.