Current 1# spot 150 GR solo barbarian in The America’s wearing what looks to be zdps build? What am I missing here, i must be tired cause its escaping me how that jumped 6 spots out of the blue over the others I’ve been watching compete for top spot the last few weeks who are all wearing the usual gear.
I was wondering the same thing. I thought it may have been some off-the-wall RK/Wastes Rend mash-up, but it’s not. Even his weapon is built off of zDPS. Maybe he pulled THE ENTIRE MAP like a good zDPS would do, but how does he kill anything? Has to be an exploit of some sort. Or seasonal bug. The fact that the 150 stack insta-melter seems to be the most prime, kinda speaks to this “season.”
removed from twitch i guess…
You can go to twitch search his video.
Actually, it is the bug.
So, looks like he’s entering the rift while the other two cancel the rift and go kill things so the kill streak season bonus kills the stuff in his GR. Looks like an exploit to me.
This is an obvious exploit. But bliz won’t ban these players. Tomorrow morning a blue post incoming.
Looks to be pretty intended to me.
I watched the exploit live. It is clearly not as-intended and very much so an exploit. He already got his channel suspended on Twitch and could face losing his partner status or possibly banned from streaming on Twitch. I expect Blizzard to follow suit soon hopefully and perma ban his account and remove his bogus entries from the leaderboards. I’ve already reported him to Blizzard and I suggest others do the same.
What I want to know is how did he not see this coming? He had to know this would put him in a world of hurt and get him banned etc. And yet he put out in a stream for all to see. The force of stupid is strong with this one!
Looks like his twitch account is already bye bye haha!
Make something idiot proof, evolution sends you a bigger idiot…go figure
Why should Blizzard ban him?
This is an error they left in the game.
This is why their PTR cycle is too short and they need to do a better job of QAing their games.
Come on… 1 week PTR which shuts down then you magically never hear anything from them again and bam, stuff hits live untested.
Game errors like this are Blizzard’s mistakes. Hold them to an actual standard.
I’m shocked that the season theme is exploitable guys. Absolutely shocked. We tested it for over 6 days!
I agree absolutely to this, simply because he de-panted Blizzard doesn’t mean he should be banned. Are they going to ban the developers for not giving proper test cycles and releasing buggy software? There have been many suggestions to have the PTR allow for seasonal play from the start with boosted characters to test these sorts of interactions but they all fall on deaf ears.
Never heard that one before, thanks
For me personally, In S19 it’s not worth playing seasonal character, because seasonal Players’ success in GR’s is fake and irrelevant. They made season Theme to be so powerful that skill and character building became secondary matter (if at all) to kill-streak buff management.
Let seasonal guys beat 150’s all day. Non-season is where the real Game is.
I agree this is 100% blizzards fault. However when was the last time they ever admitted they screwed up? Since the dawn of actiblizz they have pushed the blame onto those that benefit from it or worse said nothing and and smashed the problem with a 16lb sledge and ended up making the problem worse with no warning. The guy had to know he would get tossed to the flames to burn like a sacrificial offering to Cthulhu.
Just saying, Blizzard’s also to blame for this. Maybe they should ban the person who made the call to have 1 week PTR’s / short testing cycles as well as the people abusing the bugs.
Their track record with massive game breaking bugs in D3 is extensive.
I think your opinion is incorrect.
Bugs/unintended interactions can occur in a video game. A player can use an exploit knowingly or unknowingly. The point at which a player repeatedly uses an obvious exploit and broadcasts it that is not “100% Blizzard’s fault”.
Why should Blizzard ban him?
This is an error they left in the game.
Because exploiting an obvious game breaking bug is a bannable offense. You really think they want a zBarb w/ a GR150 clear at the top of the leaderboard?