Am i allowed to use paragon bot in diablo 3?

As title says, because i see many top players using bots, why they dont have bans already? So is it allowed? Disgusting…

For example in EU season leaderboard top wizard has over 5k paragon, across all seasonal chars he has 1503 hours total played, s18 is there 68 full days, it means he plays 22.1 hours per day, is this f***ing joke for normal fair players or what?

*****EDIT - if you check few top EU wizards with paragon over 4500+ they have insane number of nephalem rifts done, like 17000+ in this season, also over 1400 hours played in season 18, something smells there. Even guy with 10k+ paragon have insane number of nephalem rifts done (over 207000), you guys want to tell me that somebody with his bare hands runs 20k+ nephalem rifts per season or 207k+ in total?

  1. Using a bot is a breach of the EULA
  2. We haven’t seen evidence of bans in many seasons
  3. Ironically, as you named another player and accused them of cheating, that’s seen as harassment and is likely to get your post flagged. It’s better to just say which region and rank they are without naming them. We could all look it up in-game.

They don’t really enforce this game like they should. Maybe we’ll get better from the Diablo 4 team, provided we see that announcement in two days.

While this game still sees ongoing changes, it is still in maintenance mode and doesn’t get policed as hard as some in the community would like.


Well, you are right, i hide his name, anyone can search it, cause his profile data are public

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You were saying?

The only thing you accomplished is wasting your time typing all that up, and getting flagged for harassment.

Good job, Maevis, with your S18 no-rank GR85 solo record.

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Who is Maevis? My tag is chimere#2429, but profile viewer is under maintenance.

Good job, Maevis, with your S18 no-rank GR85 solo record.

Is that some kind of an insult? :smiley: Well good try sir, but im not your man Maevis

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Unless I’m mistaken if he/she is using rebirthed characters the total hours played is from every season they’ve been used; not just S18.

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Unless I’m mistaken if he/she is using rebirthed characters the total hours played is from every season they’ve been used; not just S18.

Im using rebirth on my DH since s16, and i have on my DH in season summary written 25 hours played in s18, in s17 i had 40 hours, s16 85 hours, it means it doesnt sum, if it would i should have written over 150 hours on my s18 DH


If you rebirth a char from non-season you keep this chars hours played, but even if someone was playing the game 20h a day or was botting I doubt anyone (devs) cares anymore…

Even D2 LoD couldn’t fight the bots, so I’t just a lost cause…

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You’re mistaken.

When you look at someone else’s heroes, if you’re seeing a result for play time that’s longer than the season’s been running then you’re probably looking at an individual hero’s play time (which includes all the hours spent on them prior to their re-birth) rather than the time spent playing in that season only.

In-game, right-click on another player’s name and choose View Profile
Select the Seasons tab on the left
Select the current season, i.e. Season 18
Select the Summary section

This will display a screen showing all the activity in that season and in that season only. There are seven bars, one for each hero class, which when hovered over will show the amount of time spent playing that class in that season only. Totalling the times shown in each of the seven bars will give the figure for the total amount of time played on that account in that season only. That figure is in no way related to whether none, any or all of the heroes were rebirthed or not.

The account which the OP is referring to, the EU Rank 1 Solo Wizard, has the following play-time in Season 18…

Barbarian    - 65 hours 38 minutes
Crusader     - 0 hours 14 minutes
Demon Hunter - 26 hours 31 minutes
Monk         - 62 hours 33 minutes
Necromancer  - 508 hours 18 minutes
Witch Doctor - 0 hours 36 minutes
Wizard       - 842 hours 58 minutes

That’s a total of 1506 hours 48 minutes in Season 18.
Season 18 started on 23rd August.
So, the season’s been running 68 days = 1,632 hours.

That means the player has been playing for 1506/1632 = 92.28% of the season, i.e. an average of over 22 hours a day.


If I recall correctly when you look at an individual character it gives you the season-specific hours but if you look at an account to get the total across all characters it gives you everything hours.

If I recall correctly when you look at an individual character it gives you the season-specific hours but if you look at an account to get the total across all characters it gives you everything hours.

Man, im looking into season summary, NOT total summary or concrete hero overview

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Ahhh…sorry I had it backwards. I thought single character was season-specific and account-wide included rebirth time.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Thanks for the clarification.

Cough, cough, ehm i wrote you 2 times that you are wrong :slight_smile:


Yeah Meteorblade just clarified it for me. I stand corrected.

Yeah but he gave a better reason why :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah but he gave a better reason why

I can only agree with you, his comment is da real MVP :slight_smile:


My lack of sleep is showing; I just realized I never did actually say my originally intended comment.

You’re not allowed to bot; but quite frankly I just don’t think the classic team has the resources to make finding and banning botters a priority. I’d say trying to add /update sets, items, and seasons is pushing them to their limit.

Don’t worry, the second post in the thread covered that. :wink:

My understanding, Blizzard has a separate team (?Hacks Team?) that they use to find and temp/perma- ban players.