Alter of Rites won't unseal "Z" even with prerequisites

The alter itself shows the prerequisites are present, but the ‘unlock’ button is greyed out.
I have unsealed A, C, F, H, K, P, T, S, R, V, and X (in that order) and now the ‘unlock’ button on Z is grey even though it shows that I have 7/20 GR keys and 1/1 of Ramaladni’s gift.
This is not the ‘doesn’t recognize it from Dank Meme’ since it DOES recognize it (“1/1”) but the button is greyed out.
I have a screen shot, which I’ll keep, but I can’t figure out how to put it in this bug report.

If it’s showing 7/20 GR keys then you are missing 13 keys to qualify for the unlock so it will remain gray until you have 20/20 keys. Unless I am misunderstanding something from your post.


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Doh! Yup, just didn’t have enough keys. I’m an idiot. Sorry.