Altar of Rites doesnt recognize items from ptr caches

Altar of Rites doesnt recognize items from caches you buy from djank mi’em.
I have a royal grandeur from a cache in stash but it isnt recognized.
Same for item recipes. When you use the recipes cache plans still drop from regular caches you aquire by doing bounties.

The recipe cache doesnt give you all patterns, just a large set amount. Secondly, as reported elsewhere, rorg from followers pack is the problem. Rorg from act 1 bounty cache and the jewelery pack work. For what ever reason, the one from followers pack is different. And items you sacrifice that can vary stats need to be in yoyr inventory, not the stash. Rorg, class specific set helm, hellfire amulet.

Well i got it in doing a second bounty on act1 but i will remember for next time. thx