I am unable to sacrifice an augmented primary ancient legendary spear (The Three Hundredth Spear) to activate any of the 3 missing offerings +25 moving speed, +200 damage or Doubles the amount of bounty treasure that occurs when completing bounties.
This is almost certainly user error. Pay attention to what you are doing.
Open your Altar, hover your cursor over the spear you want to sacrifice, make a screenshot and post it here.
[bug1.png - Google “h ttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1GGWsNPhtCWRsmw2AXT4dqOpjyfaPeFts/view”
To post a “link,” use the Preformatted text option on the menu bar. It will look like this:
Unfortunately, the screenshot doesn’t show anything, since we can’t tell if the spear has been augmented.
It looks as if your spear was upgraded to a primal using Recipe #11 (Curiosity of Lorath Nahr)…
That is different from an augmentation (Recipe #10 – Caldesann’s Despair)… which is what is needed to unlock the seal.
When an item is augmented, the properties of the item displays a “Caldesann’s Despair” line under Primary Stats… as shown on this screenshot:
Of course, it is possible to upgrade AND augment an item… which is why a screenshot of the stats of your spear is being asked for.
Sorry guys my fault is resolved