Altar of Rite sacrifice an augmented weapon

I am unable to sacrifice an augmented primary ancient legendary spear (The Three Hundredth Spear) to activate any of the 3 missing offerings +25 moving speed, +200 damage or Doubles the amount of bounty treasure that occurs when completing bounties.

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This is almost certainly user error. Pay attention to what you are doing.


Open your Altar, hover your cursor over the spear you want to sacrifice, make a screenshot and post it here.


[bug1.png - Google “h ttps://”

To post a “link,” use the Preformatted text option on the menu bar. It will look like this:

Unfortunately, the screenshot doesn’t show anything, since we can’t tell if the spear has been augmented.

It looks as if your spear was upgraded to a primal using Recipe #11 (Curiosity of Lorath Nahr)…

That is different from an augmentation (Recipe #10 – Caldesann’s Despair)… which is what is needed to unlock the seal.

When an item is augmented, the properties of the item displays a “Caldesann’s Despair” line under Primary Stats… as shown on this screenshot:

Of course, it is possible to upgrade AND augment an item… which is why a screenshot of the stats of your spear is being asked for.


Sorry guys my fault is resolved

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