Again, if d4 is anything like d3

Then you will have failed again…
please just give us something similar to d2 or just don’t make a 4.


D2 fanboy, you can still play D2 if you love it so much. Some of us do not live in 2000, so bring on D4. After looking at your profile, you hardly play D3. Another troll fail, you can move along now.




mfw d2 was released in june of 2000.

Same holds for D3… its old by now. And as a matter of fact, the D2 community still playing the game is an indicator for a lot of things working really well in D2. So if you want a good D4, why not taking the strengths of D2 and mix them with some improvements and a new engine?

It’s so stupid to tell people to play some other game, if they just give their (maybe very biased) feedback on what we know about D4 so far. Don’t bother with the D4 Threads if you are only here to tell people they should piss off.


Read & learn. :grinning: :kissing_heart:


Yea and D3 didn’t work then and it doesn’t work today.


Yeah and D2 worked better than D3…


How about they just copy neither game, and people who think that should probably just take their own advice? ‘Play that game.’


D2 fanboys come to a D3 forum to tell the developers to make D4 a carbon copy of D2. :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


And if you can’t come up with your own arguments, then why are you in forum? To spread ideas, that are not your own ones?

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Yeah because the Devs said they want feedback from the community. And there is no D4 forum. Actually I would also like to have another forum for that instead of complaining about D3 mechanics in a D3 forum…


Of course, the D3 fanboys would then flood D4 forums and troll with the same stupid logic.


TBH, let them flood the forums with their opinions… I just tried to play D3 again and it’s just a cheap pile of “not knowing what an RPG actually is”-sh**. But that’s fine, let them love D3, the only thing which is completely dumb to me, is to tell people to play D2, because they are caring for D4 to become a good sequel for one their most favourite games ever…


It’s just interesting how I only ever see content creators making detailed analysis of why D2 had better systems. I’ve never seen any of these D3 fanboys make a good 30min to 1hr long video showing why D3 is “so great”.


True, I can only find videos on how to beat the GRift 145 on paragon lvl 4012 with 12bio dps or whatever…


Eh… slow down, pal. Diablo is not and has never been strictly an RPG, and story has not been the focus of the game at any point that I can recall. The story interests a lot of people, myself included, but the game is an ARPG. It isn’t competing with things like Witcher, it’s competing with things like Path of Exile.

I guarantee you wouldn’t be satisfied with Diablo 4 even if Blizz listened to you Diablo 2 spergs (this coming from someone who likes D2 more than D3). I’m not talking about reasonable people that like Diablo 2, I’m talking about those of you that think you’re clever coming to the D3 forums with worthless criticism/trolling. By “worthless” I mean you’re unable to even elaborate your thoughts beyond "D3 sucks LuL."I mean, how is Blizzard supposed to take feedback like “Diablo 3 sucks, Diablo 2 good.”?

Also, Diablo 3 is not as big of a failure as you think it is. Your perspective is horribly biased. Anyways, all I can say is that Diablo 4 forums need to come sooner.


Diablo 3 is a failed sequel to Diablo 2, period. It represents a deteroriation in most vital areas, itemization, character progression etc etc and the list is a long one brought up too many times already(And Blizzard seems aware of this thankfully). D3 had some important Qol improvements and a good engine, that’s about it when it comes to D3.

That said, i don’t agree that D4 should copy D2, it should represent an evolution(a positive one). Most gameplay related elements from D3 should however be scrapped completely from D4, except from minor QoL stuff.


Most D3 players would enjoy a “modern D2” just the same as D3, and probably way more. I think they don’t know what they’re missing.