After the Follower Rework, what other Systems would you like to see reworked?

Wouldn’t exactly call myself casual (as meaningless as those terms are).
However, endless power is bad game design. It ruins any challenge a game might offer. If you believe otherwise, sorry, you are wrong. Then you can add endless difficulty to compensate. Throwing a bad game design on top of bad game design. Unsurprisingly the two do not cancel each other out. You just end up with an even worse game. A meaningless treadmill.
Paragon manage to be even worse than that, somehow. By offering no meaningful choices in the power you get. You get everything it offers, and then it is just +5 main stats forever after. Braindead anti-RPG game design.
On top of that paragon is account-wide, ruining all concept of creating individual characters and builds, progressing through the game. It removes the sense of completeness and accomplishment, when you finish a character. By making the journey endless and aimless.

Paragon is one of the most idiotic things I have seen in gaming, and there sure are a lot of crazy stuff out there. It should not exist in any type or form in D4.
It does exist in D3 of course, and I dont expect it to get removed… But it could be improved, slightly.
Such as by making sure you cant get all upgrades. And making sure the power is not virtually endless.

Heh. Well, from what I have seen on the forums so far, I am one of the people around here who want the lowest droprates/gear aquisition speed in D4.

  1. Difficulty Rework for sure. We need to compres all those difficulties in maximum 10 difficulties, the highest should be like equal to GR 150, so only for a very few.
  2. Damage Rework. Seeing bilions or trilions is not fun. Seeing 10000% or multiple of that on abilities is not fun. We don’t need that to have a good game, just scale everything down. Maximum damage should be ok in thousands or tens of thousands for a game like Diablo.
  3. Paragon Rework. A more meaningful system should be put in place. I still think, that it should be possible, to add points to abilities to make them stronger. That is like the only thing D3 lacks in order to make every character different from each other.
  4. The new Follower system opens up many new possible options like:
    Follower specific legendaries, sets, legendary gems, legendary talismans with some new abilities, like a passive ability or an active one extra for us to use on command, and not passively by the Follower only. Some cube recipes for the followers or cube powers for the the follower.

That’s my top 4 at least.


This I worry about, it will make the effect of AD less valuable depending upon how it gets implemented, kind of like GoD pierce nerf.

What happens to the value of AoE skills that hit more enemies, let’s say the enemy cap is set to 5 and a 20 yard attack strikes down on 30 targets, will AD only hit 5 targets? Or will each enemy hit have a chance to hit another 5 targets? How does that effect thinner skills vs thicker ones, what does that mean for balance?

This I would like to see, it goes hand-and-hand with Stat Squish. Some new gem ideas:

  • Increases the damage to the first target hit by 100%. (Supports single target fighters)
  • Chance to knockback enemies by 10 yards. You do 100% damage against enemies who are more than 10 yards away from any other enemy. (Supports ranged class play)
  • Gain 75% more damage when there is nothing in your offhand. (Supports Barbs and builds with poor offhanders)
  • Gain 5% block chance, 5% attack speed for 10 seconds each time you are hit. Stacks up to 10 times. (Supports Justice Lantern usage on all classes)
  • Increases your damage by 50% of your highest element damage. (Supports LoD builds, gives more value to SoJ)
  • Slower attacks become more powerful, gain 10% damage and 5000 life per hit for every .10 Attacks Per Second under 2. (Supports 2h builds and being under the effects of Stone Gauntlets)

Long needed. Can you please add Wojhanni Assaulter to that list? That build can’t be used in groups because of that problem.

Diminishing returns would help. 5 per level points up to 5000 paragon, 3 points up to 7500, 1 point past that.

Personally, I’d like to see better match making in public groups, paragon filters, or specifying the desired GR level before entering a game, of course merging players together if the criteria cannot be met within 30 seconds.

Also I would like to see new Challenge Rifts daily.

Best of all, almost all posts were anti-D3 posts. :rofl:


It is primarily not for balance, but for reducing the server lag that comes with it when you have a large amount of enemies piled up together and proc AD on them.

Balance is more secondary, but it certainly would make AD more balanced compared to other affixes as well, because currently in many builds it just outshines every other affix, that is how good AD is.

I thought that the multiplier on the Wojhanni Assaulter being additive was intentional. It stacks up to 3000%, right? If that would be a multiplicative multiplier, wouldn’t that be quite OP?

Hello Clueso, I personally don’t think the Wojhanni becoming multiplicative would be an issue.

Today we gain 1.45% from 45% skill damage on helm, boots, quiver. If it were multiplicative we are talking 2GRs. Packing Strongarms will not get them to 3GRs.

The max before the follower is GR130-132 @ 5k paragon on Natalya’s and LoD. I don’t think we are in dangerous territory.

In groups, the clears are going downward when supports join the party, remember even many debuffs fall into that additive pool. Rapid Fire would make a decent group trash clearer if the Wojhanni Assaulter were just multiplicative.

The Season Journey. “Complete any Set Dungeon” must die! The reason I don’t play season.


Now you can see the party member’s DPS.
Now you can see the party member’s “Convention of Elements” cycle.
Like this.

I’d really like a way to choose which primary stat you’re looking for when crafting/upgrading/rerolling items. I’m a fairly casual solo player. I often only level one seasonal character and it’s super annoying to not be able to get items for the Templar and Enchantress when I’m playing DH (for example) unless I also level characters that use str & int. It’ll be worse now since they use so much more equipment.

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Rework Diablo 3 team it’s my preference here

Why would you level them?
You can use a level 1 Barb / level 1 Wizard to reforge in the Cube.

I wanna see the feedback system reworked…As in Blizzard being more transparent and communicating with their customers on the forums.

I’d like to see this applied to Molten Wildebeest as well.

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They are annoying, but still somewhat easily doable.
I also didn’t start to play seasons for that exact same reason and then I gave it a try and it wasn’t that bad.

But I do agree that doing a set dungeon should not be a requirement for the season journey.

Sure, that is an Energy Shield as well.

All of them:

  • Galvanizing Ward
  • Magic Weapon - Deflection
  • Spectral Blade - Barrier Blades
  • Domination passive
  • Unstable Anomaly passive
  • Molten Gizzard’s Wildebeest
  • the Necro’s Temporal Life from the Trag’Oul set
  • etc

All of them should be included in that display of Energy Shield.

In fact, an Energy Shield Display was already in the RoS Beta, or in an early patch for RoS, as you can see in this screenshot:

Not sure why they did not implement it.

It could also just take away a part of the Health Orb, so you can also see your life:


I think Blizzard should move to YouTube. CDPR had pretty good run with Cyberpunk. Their account has 1.5 mill users and getting daily views. YouTube is way more entertaining than these damn forums.

I just remembered.

They should revamp the Challenge Rift as well to something like “Kill Azmodan and Cydae that is as strong as GR130 RG in the special arena”

They need better Balancing and need to delete out Sets.

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The only thing that phusically cripples my eyes is a mini-map at the top right corner. Why the hell it bounded to this corner? Why we can’t move it to the center or another place on the monitor and make it more transparency? I dont’ like a whole d3 game because of that. Every time i played d3 i notice that my eyes covered by bloody red trails after few hours. It happens because i need to look almost every time on the top right corner of my monitor. I don’t want to hurt my eyes anymore. Now i will wait till release of d2r because i it has an eyes-friendly map like in d2.

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Yeah, that is annoying, I do this too.
There should be an option to toggle the minimap on and off completely.

Maybe like a third option on the specific button that can be assigned to it:
Normal Minimap → Large Screenwide Minimap → Minimap gone → Normal Minimap → …

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The one thing I’d change is the primary stats attributes and then (if applicable) remove the smart-loot… But, have to really revamp the primary stats to have them all do some useful things (in order to make it work)

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