After the Follower Rework, what other Systems would you like to see reworked?

To me, the Follower Rework is very appreciated, but it came kinda unexpected, which is a good thing as well, since it shows that the devs are still interested and excited in improving the game.

Now I wonder what other systems could be changed after that…

Maybe some skills could be updated, reworked or even replaced, or something completely different.

I have here a list of things that I personally would like to see an update on (in no particular order), but you can certainly add to that list and I’ll update it

  • Area Damage Rework (so that AD only hits up to X additional enemies instead of ALL enemies within x yards, which would significantly reduce lag - just increase the damage or proc rate of AD to compensate)
  • Basic things like Legendary Reworks (~cough~ Deathwish), Skill Reworks (e.g. Teleport or Land of the Dead) and Passive Skill Reworks.
  • Legendary Gem Reworks / Updates
  • Damage Multiplier Squish (e.g. a set instead of giving 20.000% increased damage now only gives 200%, or a legendary that gives 800% increased damage now only gives 80%, etc, while keeping XP and Paragon and also the rate that they are gained, e.g. by increasing XP in GR’s, etc)
  • changing most Additive Multipliers to Multiplicative Multipliers (e.g. the DH’s Archery Passive is useless because the 8% increased damage is additive to other multipliers, but does not multiply with them, unlike others, etc)
  • slight Bounty Rework so that you can have up to two Boss Fights per Act on occasion. Also some Bounties need to have the number of enemies you need to kill adjusted (some lowered, some need to have the number increased)
  • Paragon Rework in one way or another, just to have it mentioned here
  • Display Energy Shield over the Health Orb

There are also other thing that would be interesting, like an update to crafting, but that would be more… unusual.

What would you like to see?
Anything else to add to this list?


Those all sound good.

I would add a Paragon revamp. Only give paragon points for the first 1000 lvls, and add new stuff to spend paragon points on, so you cant get everything at the same time. (rebalance how fast we get those 1000 lvls if needed, though it should be something most players could reach in a season)

And more solo balancing:

  1. Same XP buff for everyone
  2. Bounty adjustment for 1/2/3 players.
  3. Reduce monster HP for 1/2/3 players
  4. Buff follower with new/better items. Make them immortal as default.

As well as a skill balance patch. Too much balancing happens through items. Blizzard should go through all the skills and runes and make adjustments.


Something for us to use our gold on outside of rifts and gear rerolls. Gold rains from the sky and we have nothing substantial to spend it on. It is just a number that keeps going higher and higher. For season players gold may be an issue but for most veteran players outside of the first few days of season our gold means nothing. My season account has 300 billion and non season has 1.2 trillion. Id like something to spend it on outside of empowering rifts as this does nothing for me. I have over 100 max gems just sitting on various characters.


I wish but they stuck on bigger numbers. I’d be surprised if they come up with this someday.
I’d want Devil’s Hand card game system to be made into the D3 with Talisman and Charms. However, I lost hope because it sounds like they ate most of possible resources with the oncoming Follower revamp which changes hardly anything. Seriously, there’s no prolonged loot hunt depending on them because their role didn’t change at all, they still have their invulnerability token but they’ll just serve as disconnection safety net.

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I also thought about that one, but that would be too obvious to add to the list :smiley:

I think that would make the experience worse for someone who plays the game the first time and there are still some new players coming to the game, so I don’t think the devs are gonna do that due to a negative first impression.

The only thing they really have to adjust as will in conjunction with that is the increase in monster health and damage per GR, so that after the squish you still could do GR 140 and have your gems at the same level.

It would basically be that instead of 13% increased monster live per GR Level, it would now for example be 4% increased monster life per GR Level, or something like that.

Then it can work.

Yeah, that would seem to come out of nowhere if they did that.
That really would be a surprise.

I would like Followers to have an aura that unlocks at Paragon Level 1, which increases your damage by e.g. 100% and reduces your damage taken by 10% and increases in power until Paragon 200 or so, where you then have 800% increased damage and 60% reduced damage taken (or whatever numbers fit the best).

That would bring solo much closer in power to group play.

Add it to the other follower items then. Or make it a passive they only earn at lvl 70 :slight_smile:


The next step:
-A SOLO mode with 3 of our other Nephalem characters as followers.


No, one of the best things of D3 is that it has a non-RNG dependent way for improving your character.


Just cut the Leader Boards and other performance stats, ‘vanity’ out.


Only thing it accomplishes is a boring and meaningless way to improve your character. No choices. Just grind.

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More Bounties for solo, followers be able to use cdr. Briggs emanated and used with other cc.
and offer more updates outside ptr, run some trails through non season for a change to get more balance.


Some of things I’d like are within the realm of possibility for a game now well on the back burner, some aren’t.

  • Revamping the paragon system so it’s not so farmable is a big one. It just rewards botting. The idea of wanting to give players some sort of power gain just for clocking in is something I understand, but not necessarily support.

  • Squishing the stats. This one’s not happening. The devs philosophically oppose major nerfs because they don’t want players to feel weakened, but they’ve got a problem where they’ve opened the range of possible numbers across so many orders of magnitude, they need, what, 22 levels of difficulty and 150 levels of GR to offer players enough range of challenge? Pity the fool who tries to PVP with the lvl 1 torment characters vs the one speed farming lvl 16 and begging for another 4 levels of torment. It’s a structural failure in D3, IMO.

  • The efficiency gap between solo and 4-man. Diablo games are about farming. 4 players soloing bounties is a team game is so much better than soloing the same. You’re getting much more than 4x the loot out of it. In 4 mans, you can powerlevel and carry to literally rain loot from the sky to gear up an undergeared player, and of course, just the base exp/paragon gain is so much faster because of the synergies of player abilities. This strongly discourages solo play which I think is a cornerstone of the Diablo experience and shouldn’t be so strongly disadvantaged.

  • Generating actual build diversity not explicitly dependent on grossly overpowered sets and legendaries. Basically, anything over ~100% bonus to anything would get nerfed here, so that stats become meaningful alternatives to the huge bonus affix on the item. This shift allows more power to come from the rune variants on the skills themselves, so players can try more builds and have them actually be viable.

I really don’t see any of these happening, but they are what I view as the core problems in D3.


Like all these
Add legendary effect to all Legendary items, instead of creating more
Make all or most craftable items useful, require stat overhaul
Make pets (looking at WD pets for sure) smarter\better awareness of enemies
Update the Legendary gems (as above too), perhaps specialties for belts\gloves\ bracers.
Better follower AI, remove cap for damage done (if it wasn’t done in the last patch)
Way to identify items used in any build in all of your characters, either check on item or warning when breaking up for souls.
Rama Gifts for other gear

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The enchanting system. On some enchantments, every re-roll comes with a higher and higher price tag. For 1million+ gold I should be able to dictate which stat gets rolled. This is especially frustrating when one of the three random options that get rolled, sometimes one of those options becomes an exact duplicate of the one you’re trying to roll off. Example: you’re rolling 4.5% crit hit chance for something higher. In the next roll of 3 options, 4.5% crit hit chance also becomes option #3 (also #1 since that’s what you’re rolling off), effectively making only two real options.

Thankfully some enchants only costs the same amount of gems or FS and DB for each roll. Increasing gold cost eventually becomes prohibitive, especially with D3’s RNG system.


I wish Blizzard would look at PvP again. I don’t know why that is so difficult. I get that Diablo is a co-op game (and it should be) but a more fleshed-out PvP arena would add some much needed diversity to the limited activities in-game.


The day that Blizzard announced that, would be a day for :popcorn:

I once suggested adding (not removing mind you) a second greater rift type where paragon/augments/legendary gem levels were capped. You could play traditional GRs or select the new capped-GR. Each would have separate leaderboard. It was crazy the responses it received.


A lot less boring than playing for hours without anything to show for it because the RNG gods didn’t smile on you.

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Make ‘reforge legendary’ 5x cheaper.


Tbh i would like to not run rift/gr for ever. Rework the Infernal Machine, add more difficulty levels (or modes) to the instanced bosses on the adventure mode. Or improve other activities you like, other than greater rifts.


For future seasons / patches, I 'd like to see them investing more in the followers. They need to reach a higher potential. That would be awesome.

Among other things, i 'd like to make it possible to be able to close a greater rift, uber bosses portals, cow levels… Also primal puzzle rings should guarantee you another primal drop. And now that i mentioned it they could do something to primals, like allowing 2 rerolls, or adding another cube recipe that requires a lot of materials, where you could reforge a primal and the result is also primal, or place 3, 5, 10 (whatever seems reasonable) primals in the cube and obtain 1 random primal…

And, well, not techincally a system, i 'd like to see them addressing some issues that are very obvious for some classes, like buffing the overall defence and speed of witch doctors. And that extends to some other classes. An overall rework of some of the sets sounds nice. Not anything crazy like the latest firebird but there are 7x5 sets right now and more than 20 of them are very rarely used.

Yup pvp is a dead horse. Think that every dps build out there crits for trillions of damage, so even if you hit someone with 10 million health pool and 99.999% dmg reduction you would still send him to another dimension. Unless they cap numbers (only for pvp) so you would need some actual skill to play it.