After a little over a week into the season

… And nobody has complained about the staff of herding or GG yet? Amazing!

Where’s the Futurama “I’m shocked SHOCKED, well not that shocked” meme?

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Been there, done that. It is what it is and it ain’t really that bad. GG was easiest to fine tbh. Now the mushrooms and liquid rainbow are the real bears to find.


First time since S28 it was my last piece. Last 2 seasons it was the Rainbow. For this season, it was 120 runs for GG.


I mentioned on another thread that it was the mushies and then the recipe itself that took the longest.

GG dropped doing a low level bounty; may even have been sub 70. It was definitely pre-6p farming.


Last season the recipe didn’t want to drop.

This season it dropped on first kill…

Mushroom took longest this season, but it was not an extremely long grind.


This season wasn’t too bad. I did the runs on T16 to get the benefits from drops and occasional Visions.
Dahlgur Oasis is huge (Liquid Rainbow). The nook is in two places on the map far apart… wonder if we only need to look for Zaven in the leftmost one?


He can spawn in both spots.


It has never taken me more than 2 hours max to craft a staff - ever. Lucky? I don’t know, but all I know is the staff has never been difficult to collect for me at least.


It’s never been difficult, just exhausting and fustrating depending on the RNG. Difficulty has never been a factor.

Before they buffed the drop rate of GG, it could easily take days to acquire it while other components could be acquired in less than an hour at most. Even after the buff it can take a while to get GG due to it having 3 layers of RNG which are:

  1. Find Cavern of Frost.
  2. Find and kill Chiltara.
  3. Get the drop.

This season it took me little over an hour to farm the staff which was far less than last season. It just shows how RNG dependent it is.

For comparison it took me far longer to get Cursed Peat event to spawn so I can try to do the Curses! conquest. Hours and hours of entering a session, scouting the area for the pyramid and exiting when the wrong event spawned. When it finally spawned, I made sure not to waste the opportunity.


It was the recipe that refused to drop for me. GG dropped second try

This one is always annoying. After finally getting the right event to appear, my GoD build was only good enough for 343 and had to farm it all over again and use UE which I should’ve done the first time :rage:


I saw a request pop up in chat asking people to join them :slight_smile:

This was exactly my experience as well. The recipe took about half an hour on its own, but everything else popped up much quicker.


That’s a nice option for those who don’t play SSF. For me it’s useless as I’ve played SSF exclusively since its implementation.



S28, took me a couple of hundred runs to get the GG alone.

S30, about 2 hours as rainbow took forever to spawn.

S31, about 2 hours as rainbow took forever to spawn.

S32, took just over 120 runs just for the GG. Straight farming it is an exercise in pain, so I ran on T16 and did Visions as they popped. Took 5 hours doing about 30 runs an hour, but didn’t feel too bad about it as I had a :poop: ton of mats from the runs.

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There are two different cursed chest events by the side dungeons accessed by The Terminus in Act 2. Both of them have potential to score you Curses achievement as well. When you teleport to the Act 2 check if the zone of Zoltun Kulle have Cursed Pit and Cursed Spire events as well.


Wow, that was really bad rng. I don’t think it took me more than 120 runs combined between all the seasons and characters I’ve done. My condolences.


Thanks. I did not know that. I’ll have to check it out.  


Everyone remember:

  1. You must be Level 70
  2. You must be on Torment X (T10) or higher

to get credit for the Curses // Stars Align Conquest.

So far, these are the suggested places for this Conquest:

  1. The Cursed Peat – Act 5, Path of the Drowned. (Most desirable).
  2. The Cursed Bellows – Act 1, Halls of Agony Level 3. (This never worked for me. Even on T16).
  3. The Cursed Pit – Act 2, Archives of Zoltun Kulle. (Haven’t tried yet).
  4. The Cursed Spire – Act 2, Archives of Zoltun Kulle. (Haven’t tried yet).

Yeah, that’s an important factor if you’re running a build which isn’t quite making it. No need to blast it out on T16 if you’re trying to just knock it out.

Do you mean T10 here? Same experience for me. They’ve never spawned fast enough. Maybe it works with a Marauder’s Multishot build and the turrets spread far and wide?

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I barely pay any attention to completing the Altar I just unlock what I need from it and ignore the rest. After I do that it is off to the races to grind for primals and ethereals.

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No, I meant T16. I tried on T10 and failed. So, I tried on T16 because I thought more monsters would spawn in the same amount of time. But, I only got around 280 to 320…   Failed again.

Maybe that’s it. But, there are some who say they got it. They didn’t say which build they were playing.

I use Unhallowed. No need to lay down Sentries. And, with Vengeance and Multishot/Arsenal I don’t even have to aim. Whatever direction I fire, everything around me gets hit. I can quickly clear a full screen with a couple of shots.

That’s why The Cursed Peat, on T16, works so well for me. And timed Rifts are a piece of cake. Just VaultEvasive FireMultishot…   no need to rinse…   just repeat.

I don’t strictly farm for The Cursed Peat. Once I get to T10, every time I restart a game to refresh Bounties I check Act 5 for it. If I don’t get it, I complete the Bounties, restart the game and check again.

I skip The Cursed Bellows these days. But, I’ll check out The Cursed Pit and The Cursed Spire when I get my Solo Hardcore Demon Hunter up to speed.

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I have to warn you about one thing though both of these Cursed events spawn either Dune Dervishes or Sand Dwellers. In case you play hardcore with a projectile heavy build, it’s recommended that you try your luck at Act 5. You shouldn’t have any problems with Multishot against Sand Dwellers as homing missiles hit them just twice but I have no idea about Dervishes. I suggest you to read about them if you play Hardcore.

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