The Murlocket is a Legendary amulet. It requires character level 45 to drop. While technically this amulet is of Magic quality, it rolls for stats as if it was a Legendary item.
The special affix summons a tiny blue baby Murloc, who does not attack the enemy, but follows you around. This amulet has a chance to drop from the rare spawn monster Moontooth Dreadshark, the unique Dune Thresher in the Sewers of Caldeum. The drop rate appears to be unaffected by difficulty, level or Magic Find.
I found that ONCE by accident. I wish I would have kept it.
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It wont work for followers unfortunately. So it just sits in my stash.
The Murlocket is one of 6 special blue items dropped in the game. The other five are Griswold’s Worn Edge, Wirt’s Original Leg, Splintered Oar, The Clipper and Rakanishu’s Blade. Wirt’s Original Leg is NOT the same as the legendary Wirt’s Leg dropped during the special Anniversary Event.
I have almost all of them except for Wirt’s. I’m STILL trying to get that darn thing…At this point, it seems to be more rare than those Cosmic Wings I got last week…after all this time!
They should just convert this into a pet, so you can right click it and learn it like all the others…
It said: Call forth a creature from the depths.
I was expecting some monster to help me, instead I received this little guy who does nothing.
Should make it a pet that you can earn at the end of your seasonal journey.
Never heard of this before, so read the thread,
went in and got the little dude first time.
Its cute but that’s about it, still nice to have though 

I remember this Amulet lol yeah just follows you unlike Followers in Diablo III But remember Puzzle ring for example lets a Goblin follow you and does nothing but drop an item every 13 or so white items it picks up. along with pets. Is that what you mean but it doing something?
That thing is RARE.
Got one many, many years ago.
Never found one again.
Still occasionally looked for a lvl70 one…
Didn’t know it could still drop…
Was kinda fun having it just follow you around… one of the very first pets!
That is nice and all but what about the Horadric Hamburger?
Is this real or i got high? You can have butterfly wings in d3? And some stupid useless animals next to your leg? Hahahahahahajahahahahahahjdjdjkrjsknshsjajdjhdjah, ahahahahahajjaaa killll meeeeeeee D3 rulez !
Too bad it’s a dagger though. It should be allowed to be transmogged to ANY one handed weapon.
Yeah exactly. I am cool with transmogs being weapon type specific but wish that one could be used for other one handers. Or I should just play with some dagger build on my non seasonal where it is.
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