ADA power system complete context suggestion

Hello everyone, some of you may or may not know some of previous comments about ADA affix system, but here’s a nice detailed concept suggestion with explanations how it affects BOTH your character, your skills, and even itemization

A word about a 3rd main stat first

First things first, we have HP, Mana but not a 3rd basic character stat. Some might consider damage per hit as a basic character stat but let’s get away from the “trap” that D3 had which tied basic stat with damage output, so we end up with adding a new stat which is supposed to act as a direct endurance in combat. Let’s Call stamina that one, no, not THAT stamina from D2, this one is a bit different and here’s how it works:

  • Getting hit reduces some
  • Using movement abilities or designated Dodge mechanic loses some
  • Lose all of it and you get staggered for up to 2 seconds (in this period your stamina bar gets refilled back to full again and you could prematurely “interrupt” this effect and wake up with like 40% at minimum [only 1 second], risk get staggered again, or, wait the full duration and start anew with the full endurance amount/duration again at disposal)

What is this stat/mechanic supposed to represent ?, well first of all rewards careful gameplay (not taking extra hits or not dodging like a rabbit all the time gives you extra battle control/duration). Second it does delay the “ugh” from D2 when you get hit but there aren’t any “cheesy” mechanics like FHR or Block/Dodge chances, so in other words your direct survivability in battles is no longer a matter of RNG

With that being said here is HOW a complete ADA powers (new basic-attributes system) could work:

Angelic Power affects following stats/affixes for your character:

  • Basic HP amount (+3 per stat, Barb +4)
  • Natural regen rates (4% per stat)
  • Duration and power amount of buffs and blesses (4% per stat)
  • Skills when assigning points into an affix to affect a one

Demonic Power affects following stats/affixes for your character:

  • Basic mana/resource amount (+3 per stat, Sorc + 4)
  • Hit-effect-return amounts (4% per stat)
  • Duration and power curses and CC effects (4% per stat)
  • Skills when assigning points into an affix to affect a one

Ancestral Power affects following stats/affixes for your character:

  • Basic stamina amount (+3 per stat, Druid +4)
  • Per-hit-sunder amounts (4% per stat)
  • Hit-effect chances (4% per stat)
  • Skills when assigning points into an affix to affect a one

[NOTE: amounts per stat were also listed above so it’s easier to jump directly into next section (impact over character stats and itemization)]

Character stats… Let’s assume that these are the basic stats (level 1) of a character:

Barbarian: 120 HP, 45 M/Res, 60 S [i.e. starting basic stats are 30/15/20]
Druid: 75 HP, 60 M/Res, 100 S [starting basic stats of 25/20/25]
Sorc: 60 HP, 100 M/Res, 45 S [starting basic stats of 20/25/15]

Assuming that there would be 3 stats per level (120 total ADA affix points to build your character’s basic stats with), you’d end up with something like:

HP [120 - 600 for Barb, 60-420 for Sorc, 75-435 for Druid] [the right/bolded numbers are if you’ve invested all points into exclusively Angelic Power, without affix bonuses from itemisation]

Mana/R [45 - 405 for Barb, 100-580 for Sorc, 60-420 for Druid] [same note from above just for demonic]

Stamina [60 - 420 for Barb, 100-580 for Druid, 45 - 405 for Sorc][same, if all 120 points of leveling your character invested in ancestral, no item bonus calculated]

Here’s an item sample in order to examine the impact over itemization:


  • 500 ATK
  • 15-50 fire damage
  • returns 5 life per hit
  • sunder 5 mana per hit
  • 5% to reduce target’s phisycal armor by 10% for 3 seconds
  • 5% chance to increase attack speed by 5% for 3 seconds

Yes, it’s kinda obvious that the last 3 affixes seem VERY weak, but here’s the catch: those numbers get multiplied by your character’s ADA amplification bonus, so here are the versions of that SAME item on characters that have invested into Angelic/Demonic/Ancestral respectively

NOTE: let’s assume that there are 3 ADA affixes per level allowed (thus of one kind 120 being max, could gain extra from items but we calculate character-only impact, for now)

[All into angelic]

  • 5% chance to increase attack speed by 24% for 14 seconds [480% bonus to both the buff amount and duration from 120 angelic power]

[All into demonic]

  • returns 24 life per hit [480% buff amount from all the 120 DP]
  • 5% to reduce target’s phisycal armor by 48% for 14 seconds [480% bonus to both the debuff and duration from 120 DP]

[All into ancestral]

  • sunder 24 mana per hit [480% bonus from 120AP]
  • 24% to reduce target’s phisycal armor by 10% for 3 seconds [480% bonus to proc rate from 120 AP]
  • 24% chance to increase attack speed by 5% for 3 seconds [480% bonus proc-rate from 120 AP]

For those that have some trouble realizing how the affected affix numbers got calculated, here’s a small “if-then” list to realize how it’s done

  1. Is the affix a natural regen or buff ? - gets amplified by Angelic (buffs caused by hit effects also get affected by the multiplier)
  2. Is the affix a per-hit-return effect or debuff/curse ? - gets amplified by Demonic (including debuffs/curses caused by hit effects)
  3. Is the affix a hit-effect or sunder ? - (if hit effect chance to proc), and sunder amount gets amplified by ancestral

To clarify further here’s another item example:

The Resonator [Wand]

  • +5 Demonic Power
  • +10% Resource regen rate
  • Hit-effects caused by spells reduce target’s damage by 10% for 3 seconds
  • [Legendary Affix] AoE spells and skills have their radius reduced by 30% but last as effectively doing damage to anyone

120 Angelic gives: 48% (instead of 10%) Resource regen rate
120 Demonic gives: 48% target damage reduction and duration gets 11 sec
120 Ancestral gives: (nothing in particular), as it doesn’t increase hit-effect rate nor has sunder (though one could imagine on a high Ancestral char. this item would cause hit-effects often therefore potentially reduce target’s damage often)

In addition to this there might be other items that might unlock (as seen before) certain affixes per certain amount of power…

And last but not the least: how the ADA system could affect Skills

Let’s assume that give or take most skills will have like at least 2 passive upgrades to spec into, so let’s just add up a bit of “extra” work and make 3 instead for all. THEN, just make them ADA investable (upgradeable to 5 times), i.e. you can choose to buff spells/affixes from sacrificing your main-stat and item-affix bonuses/amplifiers in order to gain a certain power of a skill/spell cast effect in the following manner:

Instead of what we had: Charged Bolt has 3%/6%/10%/15%/20% to create crackling energy, could have affixes like these:

Charged Bolt:

  • Angelic affix: 3%/6%/10%/15%/20% to cast a lightning barrier of 15%/25%/35%/50%/75% damage done per cast
  • Demonic affix: 3%/6%/10%/15%/20% to cast a lightning coil above the target which will reduce 3%/4%/5%/6%/8% target’s lightning resistance per tick for 5 seconds
  • Ancestral affix: 3%/4%/5%/6%/8% to knock target back and blind for 5 seconds


  • Angelic affix: 5%/6%/10%/15%/20% to spin 360% and gain 5%/6%/10%/15%/20% (per hit, up to 5) physical defense bonus for 3 seconds
  • Demonic affix: 3%/4%/6%/8%/10% to cast a random curse in a radius of 3/4/5/8/10 for 10 seconds
  • Ancestral affix: 5%/6%/10%/15%/20% to increase (single-target attacks only) damage per hit by 15%/25%/35%/50%/75% for 3 seconds


  • Angelic affix: 5%/8%/10%/15%/25% chance for a defensive skill/ability to multicast on nearby targets in the next 5 seconds
  • Demonic affix: 15% chance for the Earthspike to reduce target’s CC reduction by 20/40/60/80/100%
  • Ancestral affix: 5%/10%/15%/20%/30% for the spike to remain as an unpassable terrain for the next 3 seconds


  • Angelic affix: 15%/25%/35%/50%/75% to become immune to magic attacks for 0.15/0.25/0.35/0.5/0.75 seconds after casting Meteor
  • Demonic affix: 4%/6%/8%/10%/15% to stun targets hit for 0.5/0.75/1/1.5/2.5 seconds
  • Ancestral affix: 10/20/30/40/50% bonus radius, drops targets-killed/(5/4/3/3/2) consumables [potions, scrolls, repair-kits, e.t.c.] on the ground for 3 seconds

And e.t.c… [you get the idea :)]

[NOTE: Some more powerful skills (like the Meteor for ex.) can cost 2 ADA points per affix upgrade instead of just 1]

So, all the above being said, not only ADA powers affect your skills (by giving them an upgradeable up to 5 times extra effect, but also assigning points into skills affects your character stats (negatively), because:

[in order to gain these affix-bonuses you sacrifice from the ADA powers currently available in your main stats of the character]

So that’s it folks, that’s the idea for A/D/A powers and how they could be used/implemented as a rather relatively impactful basic stat-alternation system, i.e. main attributes… I kinda like the item-affix “multiplication” idea, cause think it might bring a feel that you ACTUALLY play a different character (even when/if-possible potentially having the same items equipped) IMO

Think finally have a relatively representative/thought-out ADA system, what are your thoughts ? :thinking: :slight_smile:

Changes log:

  1. [Tweaked/updated starting basic stats for classes to fit their natural ADA amplification]
  2. [Added another example from post below]
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Overall I love your post.

However, I’m not sure I understood this point. Are all affixes of an item always amplified by corresponding ADA points ? In short, is every affix on an item with the potential to be influenced by either Angelic/Demonic/Ancestral points ? Or rather the amplication bonus concerns certain affixes of an item or even a specific pool of affixes ?

It’s a very interesting idea. GG to have thought about it. It is true that with this feature, the block and dodge mechanism would be less powerful while making them all more interesting.

Specific pool of affixes [but shouldn’t be that hard to understand tbh], it kinda goes like this:

  1. Is the affix a natural regen or buff ? - gets amplified by Angelic (including buff amount/duration caused by hit effects)
  2. Is the affix a per-hit-return effect or debuff/curse ? - gets amplified by Demonic (including debuffs/curses caused by hit effects)
  3. Is the affix a hit-effect or sunder ? - chance gets amplified by ancestral and the sunder amount gets amplified by ancestral

Could make affixes themselves have a dynamic amplifier but then it would be a “cesspool of everything” all over the place, this way the “theme” is already kinda known, so to keep it simple (as even Blizz themselves said when they first talked about these)

For hit-effects Angelic does nothing (unless that hit effect also causes a buff), Demonic increases return-per-hit amounts, and Ancestral increases the proc-chance of the hit rate itself and sunder amount… In terms of buffs/debuffs Angelic increases buff power & duration, Demonic increases debuff/curse power & duration, ancestral doesn’t affect buffs/curses but it increases proc-chance for those that are triggered by a per-hit proc

And by having that in mind It kinda goes in the spirit of “defining upfront impact” of a playstyle. Namely the expected “outcome” could be something along the lines of

Angelic players will most-likely try to keep themselves buffed as much as possible and continue fight to contain those bonuses, Demonic players will most likely “kite” and gather mobs and affect as much as possible at once, curse them, reduce their power, CC, and so on… Ancestral players will most likely play melee/close-combat in order to proc as much hit effects and sunder opponents as much and soon as possible (especially vs bosses/elites as probably can drain mana of those guys much faster and stagger them more often)

That’s the main idea (regarding affixes) at least

On the other hand the interesting part is that every specific skill has a self-defining playstyle to itself therefore allowing certain options even if didn’t go for such a route with the main stat affixes but as long as investing some “minimal” amount could benefit from those

For ex.: You could TOTALLY go for Angelic and then pick Demonic upgrades for certain skills (as long as you have at least some minimum amount), for ex Earthspike or Charged Bolt. Meaning you’ll mostly play your character with natural regen rates, extra HP, high buff durations, and in case of Earthspike (for Druid) or Charged Bolt (for the Sorc) reduce target CC reductions or Lightning resistances overall

Sure, there are chances that something “cheesy” or “fishy” comes out of these per-skill-specific upgrades but it’s easy to adjust either the proc rates, durations, or amounts afterwards, the cool part is - AS LONG AS the basic stat (unamplified) on an item isn’t crazy, then the amplified won’t get either, it ALSO allows for some space for low-level specific items that have lesser base rate amounts to be still useful later on as the main stat-attributes wouldn’t wildly differ, ESPECIALLY if you have taken a different main-stat-attribute route, i.e. consider this item for example:

The Resonator [Wand]

  • +5 Demonic Power
  • +10% Resource regen rate
  • Hit-effects caused by spells reduce target’s damage by 10% for 3 seconds
  • [Legendary Affix] AoE spells and skills have their radius reduced by 30% but last as effectively doing damage to anyone

So, at first glance this item SCREAMS pick angelic, pick angelic (gain up to 48% resource regen increase as opposed to just 10%), BUT then you think about it and you might end up using it as:

Situation 1 - paired with a high hit-effect rate of 30%-ish, meaning every time you lifesteal, crit, stun, slow, root, sunder, whatever the effect is, the target will ALSO have 10% reduced damage (especially if having high attack speed, though wands aren’t designed for that specific use, you might even stack up that reduction…)

Situation 2 - the 10% damage reduction isn’t THAT much, sure, BUT imagine having Demonic power that makes that number in the high 30%s ?, or even having an AoE spell that you somehow/someway invested into some target-debuff affix/effect, guess what, the Demonic power of your character increases not only the Power amount of that damage-reduction, but also the Duration (unless specifically the item itself is stated to not be amplified by duration such as skill affix-effects for ex.)

The cool part is that you don’t need really super high baseline numbers (going from 3% to 4% to 5% to 6% to 7% is ENOUGH for all 40 levels believed it or not, cause the 3% * 1.25-ish is enough for low level, 7%*3-ish is enough for late game), so it’s not that hard to keep an item with 3% initial proc rate as late in the game you might make that 3% be closer to 10% or so [provided that the proc effect or power is WORTH keeping for], and yes, if you go for OTHER route, then does it really matter if a thing you may often use but HAVEN’T invested into has a 3% or 7% proc rate overall ?, kinda both low but you benefit from potentially other bonuses hence you kept using those :slight_smile:

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