AD + CHC vs Phys on FoT

Hello all,

I was wondering how AD is quantified when it comes to comparing dps stats. I rerolled a few flavors recently and got a 17% Phys/AR/Socket/8 cdr where I rerolled the MS to 97 chd. On d3planner it gives me a 2-3% dps boost compared to the one I had been wearing, 20 AD/8 CC/96 chd/8 cdr (151 AD total with this ammy), but I’m wondering which is really more useful. Is there any way to quantify additions of AD? I also have a 19 phys/60 chd/17 AD/8 cdr FoT that is almost the identical dps as my current setup, but I assume the low chd rules that one out.

My question could also apply to rings as well, currently using an ancient CoE with average damage/cc/chd. That seems to be the consensus pick among the top of the leaderboard, but could also use one with AD instead. Taking off the average damage is ~6% dps loss.

I know sVr used to have a post/spreadsheet that used a formula to compare AD with other stats, but it seems as if the command on his channel doesn’t work anymore and I haven’t been able to find it elsewhere.

Any input would be appreciated, thank you!

There sure is, though of course it’s also dependent on the level of density you’re fighting in. Fighting one guy, it doesn’t matter if you have 1% AD or 1000%.

When you’re fighting more than one guy (within the 10 yard AD radius of one another) the AD dealt can be represented, on average, by:

damage of a hit * AD % * 0.2 (AD Proc Rate) * density of enemies within 10 yard radius.

So, for instance, if a hit of yours was going to do 100 damage to two enemies, standing right next to each other, and you had 100% AD on paragon and gear, each would take an average of:

100 * 1.00 * 0.2 * 1 = 20 extra points of damage, so 120 damage rather than 100.

If you had the same situation, but 150% AD on paragon and gear, it would be:

100 * 1.50 * 0.2 * 1 = 30 extra points of damage, so 130 damage rather than 100.

Or, if you were fighting in high density, and had 20 enemies within that 10 yard radius, with 100% AD, it would be:

100 * 1.00 * 0.2 * 19 = 380 extra points of damage, so 480 points of damage, rather than 100.

So: it’s variable, but definitely calculable. Generally speaking, the max density you’re likely to encounter is about 30 enemies within the AD radius.

I hope that helps. Let me know if further clarification is needed.