Act bosses drop rate is too high

There’s no such thing as luck.

Waves hand… You don’t need to see his identification.
We don’t need to see his identification.
Waves hand… These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.
Waves hand… He can go about his business.
You can go about your business.
Move along…
Move along! Move along!

There I go again quoting Starwars. I guess I need to watch the saga again so I’ll quit. heh :stuck_out_tongue:
Waves handThread train wheels get back on the track:smiley:


The only boss that should have its drops decreased is Baal. He is used for both EXP and getting end game gear so you kind of do it out of necessity.

Baal is extremely inefficient, especially if you consider legit play.

I don’t use maphack and play legit, so chaos is far more likely to drop well per minute. Add to this no realm downs? Baal isn’t even close to the most efficient to get anything in the game.


Couldn’t be any closer to the truth, these statements.

You got my attention there. Do you have the numbers at hand by any chance?

Sure, it helps if there’s a specific item ( or an elite few ) you have in mind.

In many instances, very sought after and economically valuable items are much more likely per minute from either
Meph, Chaos, Pindle, or pit runs.

Give me a few items and I can break down why each is much less efficient from Baal and his minions.


No specific item in mind. Just asking in general.
So the math is basically that Baal minions do not drop the correct treasure class / have less density (over time) than in the other areas?

Let’s take some low/mid level sorceress gear for example: viper, oculus, shako, i am sure you will have better items from the top of your head that you would use.
In that case you would go for meph runs or pits?

What about a barb trying to find something fancy like ik items? Is it still pindle runs or did the math change of the years?

Viper oculus shako- for sure Meph. The chances from Baal and minions are much lower, and runs take several times longer.

IK is pindle for armour, Meph for all other pieces. I’m on mobile or I’d give the specific numbers but you can always google d2 drop calculator if you want.

Baal is pretty much just good for fast exp. the drop in an 8p game is just a bonus because why not, you’re already there.


Excellent information. But how the difference between the run types be quantified?

Could for example a good mephisto runner (with good experience on how the maps will be generated) outpace a pindle barb to get an IK armor?
I know it is all theory, but maybe it also helps the OP to get an idea about the differences inbetween run-types.

E.g. So would it be a difference between 1:2000 and 1:2500 to find IK from Pindle resp. Meph or would it be more like 1:2000 and 1:10000?

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IK armour is a literal impossibility from Meph, so that isn’t a fair comparison :smile:

But more to your point, yes, there are items that it is advantageous to run each for.

Arachnid Mesh, for example cannot drop from pindle, but is quite common from Meph. Pretty much the opposite of our IK and Tal armour examples.

As for items that can be dropped from both, Meph is almost always better but you have to be an extremely efficient Meph runner, bug Meph, etc.

Pindle also has good rune odds for Jah-Zod, but the super heat behind Meph is also very viable, even though it can’t drop quite as high for runes.

Basically, if you’re killing stuff, it’s a good thing- many, many places can be farmed. There is no one ‘best’

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Yes, of course. It comes down to preferences, dmg types and such.

But what i gathered from you is that as long as you farm in an area where the desired item can drop and your kill speed is good, then you are doing fine. No big difference towards other areas.
Apart from Baal apparently, which was your previous argument? And Baal would be fine, with enough speed, which is impossible due to the minion waves, right?

Basically, the problem is that Baal is nearly always run in 8p games, whereas all other farming areas are typically soloed.

So if we’re talking MF efficiency, you’re then dividing that chance by 8, on top of already being comparably less likely to drop most items per minute.

Basically, Baal is for xp. Pindle, Meph, and chaos are for items. (Diablo is also for xp but only at higher levels like 95-99)

Even glitching Baal with 800 mf in a 2p private game is worse for elite uniques and HRs than a half decent pit runner.


Let’s fix something that is perfectly fine as it is.


Try playing SSF and let’s talk afterwards.

That happened because you were playing with people who had high magic find bonus. You also should consider the number of players (If more people knew this they wouldn’t ask for personal loot nonsense). Oh and the unique or set items you got from normal difficulty Baal run are just early and mid run quality items. Thus the rate is justified. What would you have said if you had to farm normal baal for weeks? That’s absurd.

You find a lot of items, yeah. But now try to find the eye, arachnids and war travelers from Mephisto… see you in 100 hours playtime.

Because of the leveling necessity, I’m going to guess there’s probably 10 baal runs for every 1 meph and andy run.

Because of a large scale economy, and value of items per hour, I’m going to guess there will be 10 Meph runs per Baal run. At least.

I go to Andy for those, she always gives em up promptly!

100% agree, although i would personally buff rune drops for vex + from monsters and nerf the rate from chests, so the game is more about “killing stuff” and not “opening chests”

but other than that drops rares are fine

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