Act 1 - 4 speed run conquest challenge

Would it be easier to set it on Normal and just speed rush it to make things go pew pew ez win?

Maxroll website has guides on all the conquests, including this one. They’re really useful.

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Thanks, Ill go back and suss them

i’ve tried a lot and i just cant make it…

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Isn’t it act 1 to 5? Not 1-4 as the title says. :smiley:

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As was wrotten before you need all 5 acts. 4 is not enough. It the most difficult conquest which can’t be done by legit without right party.
But Blizz can make it easy.

It’s totally doable, as internet is almost full of videos to prove it. Easier with some characters than others, but doable with all of them.
Better do it solo or with really good group, with one of the easier characters and really speed tuned build. With bad / inexperienced group it doesn’t make sense.

It’s actually the easiest conquest once you have experience with it.

I can run it solo in 12 yellows + an Aether Walker (or with 9 yellows + 4 Firebird’s) at 0 paragon without risking a fail.

All the other conquests require significantly more gear investment. Sprinter is the conquest I am able to consistently complete earliest in the season. With by far the least gear.

GR45 no set (or maybe T10 rift in 2 min) is the next easiest, but that actually requires a few items.

In season 25 I was rank 1 EU running SSF:

This season I started in SSF mode came second to a group of 4:

This one was actually a cleaner and faster run (I think it was 56 min), I recorded the whole process from season start level 1 to Sprinter but I didn’t bother to post it because I didn’t nab the rank 1. Wish there was a separate SSF conquest leaderboard, I would have been rank 1 on that!

Will a fully geared setup (instead of a season start minimum viability setup) I can post sub-50 times on solo wizard and in the low 40s on solo monk.


Well, had their been a separate SSF Conquest Leaderboard, you would have had some competition! Just kidding. While I would have started SSF instead, I probably would have focused on other conquests first, as it becomes Sprinter or the other conquests, and you can’t choose both. (That’s another reason I really want separate SSF Conquest Leaderboards. It becomes impossible to take them all.)

Plus the fact that there’s a difference between leveling 1-70, and leveling 1-Sprinter Ready, and the latter is more about luck than skill. What I mean is, you need to do bounties while leveling up, and you can’t really cheese those. For example, two evenly skilled players, and one player gets Battlefield Stores, and the other gets Cryder’s Outpost. A bad set of bounties can set you back 15 minutes, which is crucial for the season start. For the Conquests, there have been multiple times where the difference between #1 and #2 has been fewer than 5 minutes.

But even in our run, it was just one guy who carried all of us. The rest of us weren’t really contributing to the Sprinter run. Rather, we each had our roles in the whole process from Level 1 to Sprinter complete, which is where the time discrepancy comes between the group completion and the solo completion.

But as TinneOnnMuin mentioned, the lack of gear investment makes this one of the easiest conquests once you understand it. That, and along with the group approach is how this is the second time Sprinter was the very first conquest completed. Remember, we’re talking about hitting 70 plus running the full campaign before any other conquest is complete.

For the campaign, there are guides here:

Look for PokeyToe’s Map Guide + Tips and Tricks.

Hanoumatoi (the current World Record holder of the campaign run) also posted a video guide of it.

If your first attempt, definitely start with a monk. I’ve done a full map clear run before with a monk, and barely missed breaking the hour. (That’s basically clearing every RNG map so there’s nothing left in the fog of war, and going into each crypt in Act 1, even if I know for a fact it’s the wrong one.) With them, it’s less about getting lost, and more just about basic game knowledge of what you can skip, including dialog. The dialog alone can add 10+ minutes to your run if you’re just trying to space bar/click through it.

I don’t even bother with that conquest. Even with the right party it’s very difficult to achieve, and since I mostly play solo, I don’t even try.

What most people do wrong with trying to learn the conquest is running the full thing. Think of like trying to memorize something like a speech. You don’t try to memorize the full speech at once. Rather, you learn a line. Then you learn the second line built upon the first. And you repeat this until you have the full speech learned. This is much faster, because you’re breaking it up.

That’s where I see most people fail this, thinking the conquest is too difficult. You’re going to remember nothing, and waste too much time trying to do the full conquest. I’ve helped multiple people learn the conquest, and it’s roughly 10 hours of practice before they have it down. Now, if you’re one of those people who just tries doing full runs until you have it down, that could triple or even quadruple the amount of time needed.

Now, why I feel it’s worth learning, is that it’s a conquest every other season. So, if you’re just after completing the 3 fastest conquests, this is typically one of them, once you have it down. So, those 10 hours disappear. And even the whole hour you spend running this disappears as well in terms of efficiency.

That’s one of the issues people tend to overlook when using other conquests. Something like Years of War, running 6 GR55s, sounds trivial. Forget the running of the Greater Rifts though. Just changing your skills and prepping the gear adds up in time.

It’s one of the things I’ve noticed, even running Greater Rifts. How much XP per hour. And then they’ll go into how they’re running 1 minute GRs with 10 seconds of cooldown between rifts. But it’s never that simple. After 3 runs, you end up spending blood shards. You have to destroy gear. You have to stash gear. You decide to enchant gear. Etc. It’s why people estimate you can get 9 billion XP per hour, when in reality, they’re barely getting 2.5 billion. Because you end up being blind to all the time excess time you’ve really wasted in town. But that doesn’t exist in Sprinter. You run it in an hour, and you’ve really run it in an hour. There’s no hidden time that you miss.


You can follow a guide but the main thing to know is that there are a couple bosses that are more difficult to get to, like Urzeal, Adria, and Queen Spider. So start with those. If you find yourself wasting a lot of time backtracking, then just restart the game.
The other thing to consider, probably obvious but just in case, use a class/ability that allows you to move fast.

The biggest challenge with this one for me is finding that free 50min+ to do it.

D3 for me is a game enjoyed in 15-30min blocks.

But if I was to do this, I need to be able to pause the clock if I hit ESC (not sure if they do but I need to be able to walk away from the game at any time).

Just as well, I wanted to work on my Sader this season so I ended up making two classes.

Very randomized by locations. I think it was just a luck and can’t be done repeatedly everytime (ofc HUD not used). I’ve used the walker and RCR too but significally shortage of time. Yeah maybe there is somthing else, ok, but I didn’t see anything.

You’ll notice in the 48 min run that you can see my OBS settings. You may also notice it’s set to display capture. That means it will capture everything on my screen, not just the D3 window. If I was using HUD, you’d see it.

I also have some older runs where I have a hand + monitor cam (I switched to using OBS so I didn’t have to do this anymore, I used to set my hand + monitor cam up in the cat tree and sometimes the cats would knock it over, it was a bit of a hassle. OBS w/ display capture is a much easier way to prove the doubters wrong):

I’ve never used any D3 HUD. Or any D3 third party software at all. I don’t even numlock stuff!

I’ve been practicing Sprinter for 8+ years. I have excellent map knowledge. Skill and practice my friend.

Thanks for assuming.

Sure it can. I haven’t failed my last 100 runs or so. The last time I failed a run was when I was practicing to do Solo Sprinter for the first time on wizard back in season 9. I haven’t failed a run since then. I’ve done at least 100 runs over that time.

Obsidian Ring/Tal’s 4p + Cosmic Strand w/ Calamity rune.

First off, there was a bug introduced when they buffed the animation speed of teleport. We requested they fix it, and some wizard speedrunners paused their PB attempts to see if they would fix the bug, but it’s been a couple years now so I think it’s here to stay.
Anyway, the bug is if you use Calamity + Cosmic Strand, you can actually get triple teleports instead of double. So instead of teleport (cost) + teleport (free), you get teleport (cost) + teleport (cost) + teleport (free). You get a third teleport in there before the cooldown, but it costs you twice as much resources.

The second part is Obsidian Ring / Tal’s 4p. Both of those things can cancel the short 0.5s global cooldown between your batches of Wormhole teleports. If there are any enemies around, you can teleport significantly faster because of this. Again though, at the cost of more resources.


It’s really not though.

Avarice, The Thrill - to name a couple. Far easier.

Depends on your perspective. Once you can consistently do Sprinter without failing, it’s the easiest conquest from a certain point of view.

How soon can I complete it in the season? What is the lowest level of gear required to complete it?

I can complete Sprinter in all yellows as soon as I hit 70 as long as I have either an Aether Walker or Firebird’s 4p (in seasons where that is the gift, just requires completing chapter 3 of journey).

Avarice requires T10+ capable gear and a levelled up Boon of the Hoarder.
The Thrill requires at least a couple of damage boost items, maybe a level 25 or so LoD gem if you are lacking a second damage boosting item.

I’d generally need to be level 70 and grind for a bit either of those conquests. Avarice will probably require a good hour or so post-70. At that point, I’m already done Sprinter.

I’ll accept an argument for The Thrill, as while I can start Sprinter before being ready to start the Thrill, you can finish The Thrill before the time it would take to complete the Sprinter run.

I completed Sprinter at 3hr17m into this season. There were 4 players on NA who finished The Thrill before I finished SSF Sprinter, and 0 players who finished Avarice before I finished Sprinter.

Then if you look at the rank 1 Sprinter group, no one finished The Thrill before they finished Sprinter.

Sprinter was literally the first conquest completed this season. It was also the first conquest completed in season 25.

If you don’t have practice, sure, it’s hard. But once you do, it’s easy. I can do it with less post-70 time investment and less gear grind than basically any other conquest. At least in a season where Firebird’s/GoD/Raiment are in the list of starter sets, anyway. If I have to grind an Aether Walker, all bets are off.

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It really doesn’t though.

Well, outside actually wanting to compete on the boards as far as conquests goes, 10 hours minimum dedicated prep is not really worth it for the average person as you always have at least 3 conquests each season that does not require prep most people won’t do in a season regardless, as gear acquisition or just basic farming.

In any given season I don’t think I ever spent more than a hour dedicated to getting 3 conquests done, so that’s at least 10 seasons worth of conquests going into just learning sprinter.

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What I was getting at above though, is that in reality, you actually do spend more than an hour getting 3 conquests done. You just won’t notice it as much, because they’re all in small chunks.

This is one of the reasons why grouping for Sprinter is actually not a good idea. You think a group helps, but they’re costing you 30 seconds here, 30 seconds there, and can actually cost you 10-15 minutes completing a run, so the question comes down to can they offset that time, and the realistic answer tends to be no more often than not. It’s all the little times that add up.

For example, I’ve run Guardian about 16x this season, 14x SSF (different servers, SSF & non SSF mode, but still running solo, console versions, different accounts). I’m averaging about 8-9 hours from 1-Guardian. In the 14 SSF attempts, I’ve only ever gotten all 5 sets for a class twice. That means I typically have to go 4x2 or 3x3.

People also tend not to realize how horribly slow Avarice is to complete. The first player to complete it SSF took roughly 5 hours, and that probably also included getting lucky with an early Puzzle Ring or Vault. You have to level the gem, you have to gear for it beyond Haedrig’s Gift, all that takes time.

And as I mentioned, it’s not really you running 1 minute GRs back to back to back. While my GR time averaged 1:38 in these runs, the actual total time between GRs was around 3:30 (this includes time in town), and I’m only talking about when I was doing GRs back to back, and not taking breaks, or running something else.

When you start out, you’re going to be low on movement speed and gold. You’re not going to be running 1 minute GRs. It’s going to be very slow at first. And most likely it’s going to take a while to find that first Boon of the Hoarder. More often than not, I’d get it from running GRs before I’d ever find a Puzzle Ring. And while I always could level up a DH or WD to Level 31 to gamble, who honestly is just going to gamble for a Puzzle Ring when you’re wearing all yellows outside of the 6 piece? So instead of 10 GRs, it’s going to be 13. That’s an extra 10 minutes right there.

At the 5 hour mark this season, there were a grand total of 8 players who had completed GR75 in SSF.

If you’re going to level up the Boon and do 6 different GR55s naturally, sure, go for it, it won’t be an expense. But if you’re going out of your way, all the little stuff adds up over time, and you’re probably actually putting in over an hours worth of extra effort in prep.