About The Paragon Gold Change

As a tactic on very high levels (high for me anyways) I’ve always left a couple or few health globes laying around in case I’m in such a dire situation that I have to run back to pick them up

With that change, to pick-up radius rather than amount of gold, that tactic is pretty much out the window


Yeah, it is a shame. I like the concept behind health globes. But it never really worked with auto-pickup from pickup radius (and due to D3 combat turning into spike dmg, where saving up heals dont work well)
Health globes probably should not be affected by pickup radius.


In GR, you don’t have gold either, it is useless 50 paragon points anyway, so you can just leave the points when pushing GR.


Too bad we can’t take those 50 Paragon and put them in another tab :slight_smile:

But that’s a good idea…thanks!

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Um…it affects purple progress globes.

  • area of effect radius :smiley:

Jokes aside, I’d say pickup radius is a win. Was also requested for a long time, so it’s a good change. It’s useful and if you don’t want extra radius, just don’t assign points. It’s better than assigning points and have no real effect at all. I mean, who needs gold find nowaday?


Have u read what OP says?

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In this case, he can choose not to place these points in the radius, as many players stopped placing in the area damage due to the fact of increasing lag

For some it may not be useful, but for others it is. I particularly liked this change


You can just leave those paragon points unassigned. This doesn’t need to affect you in any way, just press reset next to the pickup radius in your paragon and you’re good to go.


bro, you don’t HAVE to put points into that stat…just leave it at 0…


Then you also lose the other benefits though. So not a perfect solution.

It’s not about radius. There just needs a new rule:
“If player is not missing much health, then globes are not picked in any case”.
You have 1 mln health, globe recovers 100.000. At the moment you have 920.000. You step on the globe and nothing happens. Then you get a punch and now you have 800.000. Globe is now taken.
This way you don’t need to nerf anything about pick distance.


Won’t work for reaper’s wrap users or WDs passive. Just don’t assign the points if you don’t want the radius. For the rest of us, this is a huge QoL improvement.


Umm what Lucca said. If you don’t like it don’t use the points. Very simple.


nooooooo they force me to use paragon points AAARGHGs

Zero out the tab, put 50 points each in the other 3 categories. Leave the 50 points in PuR unassigned.
Support players do this all the time by removing area damage out of their paragon.

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I mean, you dont get the other benefit increased pickup radius if you dont spend the points.

It’s actually useful, so we can pick the Elite purple coins with less movement, decreasing the time to fnish a GR. I don’t mind the change.

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OP can’t control himself…some kind of neurotic need to fill in every paragon point.

I bet he can’t stop himself from putting 50 points into area damage as a zdps and gets kicked from public games.


It’s free. It’s finally something useful vs. any type of content - and (just in case) is not being forced on us.

It’s FREE REAL ESTATE ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Asking for compensation,… really?

I mean, how about looking at it the way it is:

  • For spending those 50 points you get: The option to pick up globes with ease - including progress globes.
    » » » Most useful when not relying on tactical usage of health globes.

  • For not spending those 50 points you get: The option to save up health globes without accidental consumption.
    » » » Most useful if relying on tactical usage of health globes during combat.

We only lost a minor amount of gold find - which only worked on “dropped” gold and as additive value ontop of other sources of gold find.
Enjoyable bonus, but not able to help beating “challenging content”. PickUp-radius on the other hand can help with that (not just for easier progress globe collection, but also health globes on specs with limited mobility.)
Specs that do not wanna have to much pick up radius for reason didn’t lose anything at same content then - still a benefit on speedfarming content at least (for everyone).

Some pick up gear for normal rifts plus 5 yards paragon might even make it more likely to switch out [Avarice Band] for something else.