About the data transfer PS3->PS4 (preserve de ps4 file)

I have a question, and would wonderful is someone can help me to answer it.

I create a new data in my PS4 for my copy of Diablo III: EC (Nigromant and Monk, lvl.70 with the Hellfire amulet and other things), but I have also a data of a Demon Hunter and Barbarian in my PS3 edition of Diablo III.
The thing is I want to transfer the data of my PS3 to my PS4 (want the red and white angelic wings in that files, and obviusly the characters, much time in that).
The problem is the delete thing implicit with the transfer, (proceed with the transference will delete my data of my Monk y Nigromant in my PS4).

Is there any way to proceed without delething the files in the process? Conserve my Monk-Nigromant and tranfer my Demon hunter and Barbarian to the PS4?

I was thinking in create a backup in the PS+ or a bakup in a USB of the Monk-Nigromant, proceed with the transfer and after apliying the backup, but dont know o
Is this works or not? Or is this other way? :frowning:

nigromant? you must mean necromancer.

no, you cannot transfer ps3 files to ps4 without the ps4 files being deleted to make way for the ps3 stuff.


You cannot merge your PS3 characters with your PS4 characters but you wouldn’t want to anyway.

The PS3 version is on patch 2.06 whilst PS4 is on patch 2.67…thus all the gear and items in the PS3 version will be outdated and pretty useless.

You’d be better to simply create your PS3 characters on your PS4 and get the loot again.


Lol a partial merge would be nice… How many years have i been wanting a 2.06 Furnace now lol.

Or a 2.06 Rimeheart!!! Frostburns + Way of the Hundred Fists/FoF rune use to proc it lol. Cant think of any build that would be able to run Rimeheart efficiently any more anyways.

he did explain the reason why, is to get the wings from the ps3, but still, he’s pretty much SOL unless there is someone who could still manage to dupe the wings to him.

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As they told you, Doradoshadow, you can’t transfer your files without deleting one of them because I think that you can’t create another user on PS4 (correct me if I’m wrong). On PS3 it would be easier because if you create one more user you can transfer the other file and maintain the older one.
Now tell me, do you still playing the PS3 version of Diablo III? I am interested on the wings and I want to know if you want to trade it and some more items too.
I want to ask you another question… Do you have the Sorrowful Countenance Mojo for the witchdoctor on the PS3 version?
Thank for your time.

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you can create multiple accounts for ps4… thats how some people play with “mules” and instead of having all their characters have full stash on one account, they make a mule account so all those characters can hold extra items without bogging down current toons.

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