About Firebird update

When do you think the update will be communicated.
I’m tired of refreshing every 30 minutes :laughing:


Read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk, clean the home.

  • They will update the blog when THEY are ready.
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I can’t sorry. I’m just a poor diablo fan

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Somewhere between now and April 2 4:59PM (PDT/CEST/KST).


You would think it’s a simple as changing the numbers back. But we shall see. Probably won’t be until tomorrow at the earliest.

They can keep 2 set bonus nerf as is but, I want the rest as it is as provided in PTR.

100 Stacks & %4000 DMG


Assuming that there won’t be any delays or hotfixes, I’d say we should hear an update from now to the 30th of this month (seeing as that day is the planned day for 2.7.0 update).

Right but what if he still wants the answer right now instead of having to do all of that walking, book reading, movie watching or house cleaning?

For maximum effectiveness, midnight GMT on April 1.


I love advertising LOL.

Lol, imagine they announce it that time, and then say April Fools!!! Nothing is changing!


That would cause the red shirt guy to spawn in-game…


Walking is free…

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Well that depends on where you walk. Walking on the moon is pretty expensive. :upside_down_face:

Yeah, who knows how much cash they spent putting that hoax together.

Adjusted for inflation about $283 billion for the whole program. Got some nice pretty rocks though.

Yeah, you can even smell what they’re cooking once in a while.

They will announce a hotfix update on April 1 and when it hits live we’ll see they got us good.

for sure wont be this fast, but i think it will be before 28th update, im just glad they are taking our feedbacks into consideration

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He will get the answer when they are ready to give one not when he wants one.

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