A toxic topic that's breaking ToS, please shut it down

Sounds to me like the easiest fix.

Double the detection range below surface. Reduce speed of detected subs. Wouldnt this help?

As much as you might enjoy ships.
If there is a thing as “whales” in a competitive game, then i would take my hat and go somewhere else.
Sea of Thieves maybe.
Or AC: Black Flag / Valhalla
Or barrotrauma.
Or sunless skies.

Then you run into the issue of subs being unfun to play and being too easily avoided.

Even if you make it super easy for dds to detect and deal with them, there are already too many tasks DDs need to perform. DDs are also the hardest class in the game to play right now because cvs can perma spot and sink you quite easily. With this implementation there is even less reason to play DDs because the subs can do the job easier and safer.

Yeah like I said I left the game years ago. Wargaming has been driving the game into the ground for a very long time, and their PR is pathetic.

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That’s why i said schleichpfad.
A very slow way to move with less detection radius (maybe just show an artefact on the sonar).

To make it feel more like a sub really is. A boring ship that creeps in the shadows.

Dunno. Maybe a rebalance is in order then.

If the devs make these changes without rebalancing, then they seem to not have balance in the top of their head. As you said.

But it doesnt mean that it is impossible to design. They just didnt want to. Or it wasnt easy enough.

It’s just unfortunate to me, I guess, that people continue to fight… I mean, debate about this. There’s so many cool ideas the community could have come together on, instead the focus continues to be overwhelmingly a single topic…which Blizzard has acknowledge.

I guess my point was if the idea is to make more people aware and involved I’m not if it’s been worth the cost of all the fighting, blaming and toxicity when, after all this time and explaining, I still mostly see the same people pushing. I think most people are firm in their stance, and sometimes their arguments are flawed, but it’s just the excuse they’re trying to give. People are being pretty civil here because it’s become a point that many are not.

It’s always hard to justify shutting down conversation, which I doubt would happen completely, but I’ve been involved in this debate probably since December or January, and it’s been pretty ugly lately. The fact is, some people are civil, but many would get the impression we’re very divided at at each other’s throats right now. For me, it would be such a breath of fresh air if these forums could focus on other things. There’s so many great ideas we could have come together on. Instead it’s primarily the same spam day in and day out by both sides.

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They could have just kept their word and not added them. :neutral_face:

There have been so many pr disasters over the years I’ve lost count. The game is made for whales first and players second.

Here’s the most recent one:

It’s kinda funny watching Wargaming self destruct though I guess.

Any examples?
Have you made threads on those ideas?

Other topics certainly show up too.

There’s one now about another server for SSF. I like the idea of a SSF option at character creation maybe with some way to make those characters distinct, maybe a title or somebody else mentioned a glow which seems a little weird.

Some people have discussed an in-house trading platform for people that don’t want to use d2jsp. I’m not sure how that could be implemented or if that would even work but if so I’d support it. Blizzard could benefit and people wouldn’t have to use a 3rd party site.

Anyway, it really takes the community coming together to get blizzard to make changes, at least in all my years experience on the wow forums.

i agree it needs to stop, and thats its a toxic topic,
but it doesn’t break any forum rules, it not against TOS to give out idea now matter how terrible they might be, unless you do so with the purpose of trying to get a adverse reaction from someone.
people are allowed thier own opinions as long as those opinions

  1. do not harm themselves, others, animals, or the environment
  2. or support the harming of themselves, other, animals, or the environment.

beyond that… people are welcomed to any ideas they please.


have blues, green, yellows etc…All colors drop evenly for all players. So if a player gets into a game they have to get proximity which was made in d2 in 2001 or earlier. so say 4 heroes have gotten 3 blues each then the new hero joining the game gets 1 blue. But if a yellow drops it goes to the player with the most time in the public game. If a hero leaves game well… then their time is 0 cause they have a filled backpack and there is other public games. With MF and player numbers it gets better. So if a person is the maker of the game
then they are 1st in line for all colors. Causing more public games. and public games to be like a marketing campaign. MF will be more important and popular.

so u guys see where im going with this… say 4 heroes have 20min time
they prob all have at least 1 rare or more. a 5th player joins the game with 5 sec time
they have to wait for the 1 2 3 4 5 line drop according to the time. cause the moment
they joined the game they became 5th in line

Hero vision of wats going on will be more clear. There is so much item stat rolling in D2
this will decrease stress , turn off the mind a bit. Cause there is already so much rolling.

players that deal damage have control but a barb also has control cause oak sage is vulnerable to damage. control can be said for a summon necro as well cause he tanks and a summon necro benefits from barb bo.

the backpack is much smaller than the stash. so a player ID’ing yellows , stashing, gambling, potion buying and doing stuff will have control.

we live in 2021. An AFK damage dealer in town has control. maybe he is eating pizza
and watching TV. And town since 2001 is not proximity. Also safe from hell monsters.

Alot of this stuff is from 2001.

i would assume since proximity is in the game its not too much work for the professionals
on the proximity topic

Guys good thing about technology is. When heroes are in town The amazing server will
Auto detect the Line. Cause of proximity.


This topic has derailed so much from the original post.

Doesn’t it always…? :wink:

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