A strange expression

There is an expression on one site: “Blizzard puts Diablo 3 out to pasture.” What does this expression mean?

The expression, out to pasture, is another way of saying retired.

When a rancher has cows that have gotten too old to milk or butcher for beef, they are put in a separate pasture where they can graze in peace. Away from the younger cows…   and bulls.  

Blizzard retires Diablo 3.


Thanks for the reply.

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it means they will butcher d3 one of these days and serve us all juicy steaks. D4 was obviously veal.

Odd analogy.

To “butcher d3”  would typically mean “to make a mess of it” or “cut it to pieces”, which would be a bad thing. But, who doesn’t like a good steak? (Not counting vegetarians or vegans).

Veal is considered among the high-end meats, as of 2023. So, I take it you revere D4 as a high-end, awesome computer game? (It certainly is more expensive than some of the other current games. Depending on which Edition you purchase).

the entire diablo lore stems from the battle for the control of the cow level portal for juicy steak. they arent called the “prime” evils for nothin.

veal is cruel and has no end game, like d4.

It has NOTHING to do with Diablo LORE. It is the PLAYERS’ desire to collect the COSMIC WINGS and tons of LOOT.

The whole “cows” business began with a rumor that was started in D1 about a cow level that NEVER existed. Even Blizzard confirmed there was NO Cow Level, but the rumor persisted. In D2, Blizzard added the Cow Level as a joke and a response to the D1 rumor of a “Cow Level”.

The Cow Level is Blizzard’s ongoing joke. It has become a STAPLE of the Diablo series. IT IS NOT LORE.


The METHOD that was once used to produce veal was cruel. It was, and maybe still is, banned in some countries. Certain states in North America have some restrictions on how veal is produced. NOT ON VEAL ITSELF.

However, because of the concern, the methods for producing veal have changed over the years so they are less cruel. (Some people believe that killing ANY animal is cruel. But, some people still eat meat. I’m one of them).

Veal is more expensive than all other beef products. And the popularity of veal has recently been higher worldwide than ever before.

I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m just saying that your analogy and the pun “prime” evils seem to be contradictory.

It appears you do not like or think both D3 and D4 aren’t as good as they should be. But, your analogy and pun are comparing them to things that are considered the best of what they are: Veal and steak.

For example: If I understand your opinion of D3 and D4 correctly, you should be comparing them to Spam and Potted Meat, respectively.

Definition: Prime


  1. Of first importance. Main.
  2. Of the best quality. Excellent.


  1. A state or time of greatest strength, vigor or success in a person’s life.

Prime cut of meat essentially means the best quality cut of meat.

Prime Evil means the Main Evil…   The Boss.
