So, shrines in Diablo 2 if you didn’t know operate as curses. A curse can replace a shrine, and a shrine can replace a curse.
Fade, an assassin skill, reduces the time of curses. This also INCLUDES the time in which shrines are active. So, those experience shrines you find? REDUCED. and usually a significant amount of time.
EVEN if you remove fade with burst of speed it will have a significant impact on shrine time.
“Fixing” this of course doesn’t really alter game balance at all - its just a QOL fix for assasins and anyone who uses treachery runeword since that can cast fade on you.
Obviously, actually fixing this might be more complicated but it would require potentially treating shrines as something different than just curses OR make fade work differently.
But there is no reason in principle why this shouldn’t be done.
Gee bats they call me crazy but this yikes props for finding something like this! Would a rework of the MA tree also be possible ?? How well does a fresh assassin do on ladder reset? I’m a sad Sorc then Java Zon because killing cows in in my dna because I’m mad and mad cow disease!!! Any advice for alpha testing the MA tree? I can beat the game down as a sorc , pally , Zon or Necro but it’s 2021 need something g new and exciting but then again I have you bats
I see your taking MDK’s advice to heart that we are all too old and need BIG fonts so we can read…
The workaround is to cast burst before taking a shrine and then back to fade once you take the shrine. The problem naturally is that when you are competing with the party for shrines the extra time needed to cast the skills might cost you the shrine. I’d be happy to see this issue addressed. I do see it taking more work to fix it than they believe it’s worth. They seem to have coded the shrines in the same category as curses. To fix it they would need to create a new category and re-assign all shrines to it. But that’s what their job is…
This. Thank you. That’s basically it. They would actually have to recode this and create a new category or somehow make it so fade can distinguish between ‘bad curses and good curses’ but the dynamic really does affect your shrine-taking ability and there is a work-around… just not a great one. Especially if you’re leaning on fade for res or dr heavily.
No problem, i wanted to be helpfull. Dont mind the negative one above you. I made this list using several source including my own memory I wasnt hiding it there (that i used other sources)
I mean really this is a bugfix/balance change more than QoL. This only happens because shines use the same state as curses to apply, in game terms they are kind of “positive curses”. If they fixed this interaction they would have to specifically code for curses to override shrines as they would no longer share that state.