Yup. For reasons of insecurity, D3, a game they don’t like, doing better than their golden idol, makes them lesser beings. Thier only option is to lash out at D3 every chance they get because just ignoring it and continuing to play and enjoy D2 isn’t an option.
Just waiting on his “grandmother” to gift him D4 so he can claim his money wasn’t spent on it.
Best comment today, this is for you
Damn I hope so
In his defense, he never claimed the grandma he was staying with was alive at the time.
He might. Or he might not. Having outdated skills, or otherwise getting stale, relying too much on past experience, just isnt worth that much.
made me laugh
but seriously, has nobody here never been adopted or married? Your biological grandmother is not always your only grandmother… If this were an IQ test, so many of you would have failed while my score would be like 175.
no i wont reveal my true identity, like batman i wear the mask to protect others, not myself. Don’t try to doxx me, first off, Penal Code 653.2 states it is a crime, and secondly i’ve gone to great lengths to protect myself because there are some scary people out there and i’ve learned after that one time.
At least you now have a D2 fanboy follower. Maybe the two of you should have coffee together.
more as one fault.
u compare a ps4 console version with a pc game.
unlegit. why u did it? maybe because u couldn’t find a better rated pc version? fellas, stay critical.
when we spoke about d2 and d3, u should compare the original pc games. if u want to take expansions inside, do it. and u will find out that u are wrong again.
d2r is ,just’’ the 20years old game with better graphics and some QoL features. Now with new patches and terrorzones of course more different as original. my time was before patch 1.10. with enigma & co. but i enjoy now d2r of course. normally, the follower from d2 ->d iii should of course too be the better game. like every follower game should be better as the one before. if not, it’s imo a fail. unfortunately d iii is a failure. and for me, not even a legit follower. diablo iii s follower is diablo: immoral. something more to tell?
original d3 pc version user score: 4.3
original d2 pc version user score: 8.8
d3 reaper: user score 6,6
d2 LoD: user score 9.9
oh I’m laughing and embarrassed at the same time because it’s so sadly macabre. but somehow your comment is also extremely funny. good one
and once again u are right
Sure it was.
“Remember, this 10-year milestone for Diablo III was made possible by YOU, Nephalem, many of whom have spent countless hours demon-slaying, looting, and creating memorable moments to look back on. To show our undying appreciation for the support of more than 65 million Nephalem worldwide over the past 10 years”
Did you even really play D3? Do you see D3 players trolling on the D2R forum?
when the arguments run out, children start with the insults. unfortunately not only children, but also strange others, isn’t that so?
i gave d iii hope and a fair chance. but the game was rly bad.
after playing much the d iii beta, i wasn’t interessted to spend many more time in d3 because it was too boring.
with RoS i gave it another chance, but it never catched me. y, that game was unhappily a fail for me.
or what do u want to tell me when u post a link to my profile?
btw. i’m not sure ur post is legit to the forum rules. do i care? be prepared for a timeout A.
What you wrote is nice over all, but the tone of it feels like, it’s another one of you brags.
This was probably just a poetic exegaration, but how egoistic some times you can be, people probably misunderstood. Your previous posts make people suspicous and jumpy. You can’t do anything about it now. So don’t be annoyed about it, you brought this upon your self.
Bring it, I do not care what D3 haters do or say. D2R has a forum why are you not on it?
Is it more fun for you to be on the D3 forum?
already did.
But you are confusing something
I gave feedback for d3 game so the d3 forum is the right place. Also i care about d iv, and again this forum is the right place for it.
When i want to talk and honor d2r i used the d2r (both english) forums [eu/us]. And u know it because u wrote me there some stuff too, didn’t ya?
But here i can also dry your tears when you cry, or give you a cookie when you’re nice. U see, here is the right place. Isn’t it?
Sounds good but they’re too busy casing the maternity break room.
Actually I’m not too happy that they ruined one of the last bastions for high-functioning alcoholics. Oh well. Oh, I thought of another prerequisite for HR, make sure that your applicants are happy drunks (or they don’t drink at all), not belligerent abusive bozos frustrated at their inability to propagate an idea that doesn’t involve 3 action buttons and an “ultimate” move. Whatever, the games were better when “420” were behind them, anyway.
I see nothing’s changed.
Same nonsense, different day.
It is still a Diablo 3 game.
D2R user score is 3.1
And it fell apart when it was reviewed again in the modern day.
Did they say anything about total D2 figures in their 20th-year anniversary?
No all they gave us was this. Another wasted opportunity.
They did a much better job with the Diablo 20th anniversary.
The only thing I see for D2R is 5 million. I am sure many of them have already moved on like I did. I have no Idea what D($) numbers are now. The last I saw it was over 30 million registered. D2 was the king of the hill when it was the only one on the hill. With the exception of some holdouts most people have moved on years ago.
“The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.” -Oscar Wilde
“Don’t be ashamed of your ignorance, be ashamed of your unwillingness to overcome it.”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana