A Goodie from Wudi on S29

Disregarding any personal opinion of streamers, someone posted here, the day the PTR was supposed to start, that a few of them are in a Discord server with Blizzard developers and get info (and probably give feedback) way before regular people. That’s supposedly the reason Raxxanterax knew that they had problems with the PTR and could not start it on that day.

If that’s true, that tier list might already be considering possible upcoming changes.

In theory. But I suspect much of the builds are based and refined in practice.

When is s29 going to start?

No date yet. Guesses here:

Season 5. 8 freaking years ago, and you want to bring it up?

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This is the most immature argument I have heard. The fact that he got a ban for using an exploit is irrelevant. The dude knows more about this game than just about anyone on the planet.

By not listening to his opinion, is just shooting yourself in the foot with your ignorance /smh


When they are ready not before just like all of the other seasons.

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

I’m sure he does and his opinion might matter to you. To me it is as useful as wet toiletpaper. I don’t listen to cheaters. I set my own standards and I alone enforce them.


The real cheaters are the ones that you don’t know about. The ones you never discover while they cheat or deceive.


You’ve got it backwards. It’s only cheating if you get caught!


Thanks for advertising this guy, whos getting banned of cheating back in season 5 making a tier list when noone knows anything about final patch notes…

awesome dude

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Well as of now the tierlist is accurate, if it gets further changes it will be updated.
This guy is one of the best D3 players and has insane knowledge about the game

Chances on further changes to the patch are extremely slim


It’s at least good to see that people are hitting GR150 with those top tier builds still. The Paragon change wasn’t the big nerf most of us thought it would be at P800.

It’s a little weird that people continue condemning individuals over ancient mistakes. Fair, wudijo was caught cheating back in S5 and was punished over it. But here’s the thing, he learned from his mistake and hasn’t cheated since (to my knowledge).

Just because someone gets labeled as a cheater once doesn’t mean he’s a cheater forever. They can grow as a person.


This, in a nutshell. I read that comment and thought “Good lord, streamer fans are REALLY reaching now…” I mean come on, you’re “ignorant” if you don’t listen to some random guy on the internet? Are we really that naive?

How do you define “individuals”? Are you only referring to people with webcams because you’ve berated people over posts they made 3 years ago. Where is the line drawn? Over 5 years?

I really hope you grow to believe that.


Don’t misinterpret that. The nerf was huge 15-20 tiers. It’s just that the builds mentioned could speedrun 2 minute clears in 150, and now they can barely clear it. They would have been able to barely clear ~165 if something like that existed

Something that could only clear 145 for istance will now drop down to around 130


It’s still a huge nerf - also in a motivational sense to a lot of players. I remember Wudijo spending around 4K keys to kill a rift guardian with a snowball and get a 150 down in a previous season (seen on youtube).

I wonder though… was 150 intended to be cleared in just 2 minutes? You’d think that was the one they’d expect most to barely clear it.

I know… but my expectation was that we wouldn’t even see anyone clear GR150 let alone on PTR.

Yeah, this is the way I would want to see the leaderboards. It’s boring seeing everyone able to do GR150 with 50 other players with the same time as yourself.

To be fair, mathematical top clears for various builds are not opinions, but facts.

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