A Barb Response to the Lamentation Nerf

  • sips coffee emoji *

I actually feel a little weird on that. If there was no Lamentation buff at all from the beginning I think people will be kind of grateful and ask for more, but not angry. Now they say we made a buff, and we have other things in hand but don’t want to give you now, perhaps later. And everyone got pissed off. I can understand the feeling but still feel weird.

Setting that aside, is the difference of tier 133 vs 140 really so important? On a player with much lower paragon it may be 113 vs 120. I mean 120 is good but 113 doesn’t seem unacceptable.

Everyone seems to be indicating “barb is unplayable because it beats the lowest tier of GR”. Why does it matter so much?

It’s a truly scary thought, I admit it!

But would they want to tick us off on purpose? That seems too… intelligent for Blizzard.

Remember, this is Acti-Blizz. These are the folks who gave us timeless wonders such as “Saffron Wrap.” I just don’t see this as being in their wheelhouse.


a result of a top playerbot pushing 1 build go try hard during PTR and then (falsely) claiming he could have cleared higher.

then the same dude waits until after PTR patch notes to push Sader? Same guy who claims he was not to blame and did not know he was pushing WW Barb to nerf? lol. well played dude.

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Crus not going to learn from you guys and gonna get their stuff hotfixed before S19 goes live lol. Actually wait not even about learning from you guys, it’s learning from themselves, they already went through a PTR nerf to Shotgun lol, what season was that 13? 14?

its the same guy i think

Well we do know they make mistakes, but they’ve certainly learned from them and know where to place something if they don’t want it top. Removing the mod all together ensures that w/o making it utter garbage. Sorry Free :frowning:

this wasnt a total nerf. barb in 2.6.7 is stronger than it was in season 18. You and others seem to be upset you didnt get everything you wanted right now.

Calm down, and wait like they told you to.

Makes sense, which means he can push a lot higher. Exactly what he said with WW/Rend PTR. But this time…they won’t care, because it’s Crus focused patch lol.

It’s been literal years of waiting.


I for one am super stoked about the whole 4.5 minutes Ambo/Lamentation shaved off my 107 time from yesterday while Crusaders are hitting 140 with a brand new non-ancient set. Seriously.


Think about the exp runs… we are running rats for so long and probably are gonna run again… the lamentation buff would be a thing to at least change for those runs… it’s not only the solo tier, but the group speed exp could be a little different

I can not begin to imagine how a dev team can be so blind and just flat out ignore the community then drop the patch without a announcement and think that it’s funny. i have quit around S5/6. came back in 17. quit because the devs did this with monk as well as crusaders. i seen enough that the dev team really does not seem to care.

it used to be everyone was on par now you have a class that was struggling this is with 10k+ paragon barbs barely geting to 130’s then boom completing a few tiers higher and it’s nerfed despite that it put them on par with so many others.

the D3 community here is one community i liked in the past as a majority had one goal and got along but seems blizzard views this as useless and anyone who supported d3 is not taken seriously. PoE has a lot of the old community that finally gave up.

GGG does not ignore the community instead takes a lot feedback pretty seriously. blizzard really needs to take notes before they burn D4 to the ground before it even releases .

i do hope that blizzard before S19 rebuffs barbs even if it’s just half way. but i feel they do not give one crap about the community and this was the best way they can show it without saying a single word and using Nev as the escape goat.

Either way i do hope they change it for the better of the community and for the amount of work/data you guys brought. way more then most communities ever would go that’s for sure.

You have to realize it’s the delivery they’re upset about. They made it seem like they’re saving Barbs this patch, and we got you barbs and we’re listening. When in reality they’re holding out on them…again, till their set patch. When they’ve been waiting…forever now.

I get it.


Rat runs is a separate problem that should be nerfed in a way not hurting Rathma set itself. If you use a more powerful meta to beat it, that’s too much power creep.

That’s a very astute way of putting it. Very astute.

And that’s exactly how it feels.

Meanwhile, Saders romping it up in 140+ with 4 Augs. And trust me, that’s not a bad thing. I do not want Sader or Monk nerfs, period.


They won’t get nerfed. Didn’t they just tell us all changes were locked in for the season and couldn’t be changed? Unless they lied of course, again.

Saders are good monks still in the basement with us.

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Well said, it seems people now are quick to say “oh, you got a buff still quit crying” and not realizing or leaving out the part on how LONG it has been due and proposed for barbarian class. To top it off, they gave them the means to be at the top like other classes have been for a long long time then took it away.

Obviously barbs got a “buff” and the seasonal theme adds more…to ALL classes. Fact remains, the barbs have been bottom feeders way too long and just the glimpse of them being “top” showed the ugly side of the already “top” classes by comparing nerfs to their build…even though it hasn’t been nerfed for a couple seasons on one in particular.


You, sir or madam, are a gentleperson and a scholar, and I salute in your general direction.

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