A Barb Response to the Lamentation Nerf

After seeing actions throughout, it appears that the Barbarian will NEVER be top tier. This is evident from the start of the games creation. ALL classes have good looking toons that represent their class, and then there is the Barb, You have an old man and a fat overweight woman. In reality, you would never see human beings of this stature evolve to excel, and I believe that this is where Blizzard was going with the class creation. This is evident in Patch 2.6.7. The Barb got nerfed as it reached a GR 140, yet the Sader got buffed to reach a GR 150. The Barb was NEVER designed to reach top tier, and never will in the future. This was recognized earlier when they deleted the Morticks Bracers from the game as at that time there was fear of the Barb competing with other classes. Bottom line is that the Barb was not created to be top tier and NEVER will. Monk will always be support, Wiz, Sader, DH, and Necro will always be top tier, WD will be medium offering some support and Barbarian will ALWAYS be dead last. This is the way the game was designed, and this is why Lamentation was nerfed. A fat woman and old man are never going to make it to the top. It just wont happen. It sucks as I really enjoyed the play style of the Barb in the PTR. Think about it though, a spinning old man or fat woman being the top achiever, it will never happen. Oh well, time to face realityā€¦


Holly crap I am in a meme and a good one too!
I am as dead in that picture as the WW Rend build if the Devā€™s donā€™t bother to give it some Life Support I mean Flat Line!
Here is a Graph or two to prove it:
PTR :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Live :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Eat your heart out Micro. :triumph:


The same thing WW Barb has received for years.

It sucks. :frowning:

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Giving us the 200% back will not take the take the spotlight off the new sets, if thats thatā€™st Dev are worried about.


Did Blizz screw up and nerf Barbs based off a few botters NS paragon lvl?
Shouldnā€™t we address the real issue here, and ban the botting accounts first, then we can actually look at the PTR for balance ideas.
Lamentation felt fine in PTR but did not feel as OP coming from a legit top tier player.

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Well Iā€™m sure there is still legit players that have 8k+ paragons on ns from the multitude of ended seasons stacking paragon on them. Just basing anything from 10k paragon is asinine to me. Majority of players do not have this but because a few do, and they donā€™t want someone hitting the 150, they have to use them in their calculations.

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DO NOT REPLY (FEED) THE TROLL. You guys never learn. Shame really.

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What? Fat?

Sheā€™s ready to compete in Nationals, mah dude. Look at her abs. You cray-zee.

@ Pro: Dang, look at my abs. Impressive!

Speaking of Rend, Ulma and I were comparing notes and we both feel that there may be a bug or problem with the new Rend items. Personally, I notice stacked detonations on hard-cast Rends, but not Ambos, and some WW ticks donā€™t seem to apply Rend at all. I suspect that Ambo Rends may not be stacking with Lamentation, or that Ambos is failing to apply Rends in certain circumstances.

Iā€™ve asked Ulma to record some video testing footage, but Iā€™m asking yā€™all to do the same. If youā€™re able, please re-test Lamentation, hard-cast Rends, and Ambo Rends thoroughly. I have to take a day or two away from D3 and donā€™t have recording software at the moment, but Iā€™ll chip in where and when I can.

Post your results here or in the Barb forum.


Some guy fount out the Fjord Cutterā€™s 150% does buff all your skills instead of just SS. sVr tested and confirmed it. So basically Rend now has 150% back lol.

Well, not exactly. It forces us into the inferior Mutilate rune, and there are other problems with fitting Fjord into the build. Ulma did some testing with it, and while low 130s are smoother, it still doesnā€™t give us the juice to do 138.

Iā€™m starting to feel like something is very wrong with some of the Rend items, and I donā€™t just mean that theyā€™re weak.

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Are you sure? :wink:

Yes. I also ran it on 138 with Fjord and the damage is atrocious even with an artificial 150% boost.

The presence of one bug doesnā€™t invalidate the possibility of another.

Please never go into game design.


Thank you for correcting Table Fest 9000. Someone left the gate open and he got out in the yard.


Relative to seismic slam, you posted:

Seismic Slam is not Whirlwind Rend.

Youā€™re talking about two different things.

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I know that SS and ww/rend are different. I was simply commenting on the ability to clear 138 as a barb.

Personally, I am waiting for darkpatator to push barbarian to see what GR he can clear.

Just to flag for anyone reading thinking this guyā€™s making a point - all he did is post dissect and remove this passage from the context of the overall post made.

This is the very definition of ā€˜chit postingā€™ - i.e., playing an internet forum and not a game. Your post added nothing to this discussion, per the rest of Ulmaā€™s post.


But clearing a 138 with Slam is not the same as clearing 138 with a bugged interaction between Fjord and Whirlwind, which is not intended. The true number for Whirlwind is much lower.

The full context of what you quoted, which you edited out, is:

Itā€™s unfortunate to see youā€™re still lying to users here just like you did during the PTR.


Lol, she has Type 2 Diabetes :rofl:

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