I just want to know how someone gets to almost 10K paragon in a season lol. Throw me a bone here lol. I mean really…
I did the math behind it and I think you know the answer. I hope this behavior does not follow over to D4. I have hopes we can get at least one more good season in with DIII without the bots.
damn and i thought i was high with my 4k paras xD
10k or 5k or even 3k does it matter to u? U wouldnt be close to them anyway with 1k. If u want higher paragon u need to play more and be efficient
Who cares? The seson is going to be over soon.
surely they wont bot next season.
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Paragon doesn’t determine whether or not someone can be bothered by the fact that cheaters exist in D3.
It is a moral thing that needs attention.
Thank god the chief of the morality police has arrived, I was worried for a second.
Is that the angle you’re shooting for now? As far as I know lying isn’t moral. What’s your stance on lying?
The better question is WHY would someone want to get 10k paragon in a season? Complete utter waste of time, for you and the bot.
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True but a mental condition might explain why they getting bothered by such things.
If u get bothered about things which doesnt effect u in any way then u surely got some big issues. What else? Bothered about ppl using a female char when they male irl? Or bothered by ppls character name? Its rly not healthy to be that sensitive. Infact its not even normal and ppl which is being so sensitive rly should stay away from multiplayer games.
Do you have proof they used bots? Stop making accusations without proof.
Apparently the new cool is to say someone is botting if they play more or different than someone else.
For that person’s sake I hope they botted.
Paragon 10k? 
can’t imagine that level of no-life
I think they’re already well past 13k in China.
I’ve seen levels of it that blow my mind in various games. As long as they’re happy I guess.
Probably botting. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to legit play this game enough to get paragon that high
You can be guaranteed that someone will be making a bot for D4 as soon as they get the preorder in
and D3 season without bots impossible, they had bots before seasons
Says the man that says everyone above him after a week in season are all cheaters and apparantly there is noone better than you
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Hey guys, leave him alone. He is just out here for justice, it’s definitely not about him at all.
The funny thing is, if he actually got what he constantly asks for, and all the botters were somehow banned. He would be left with no excuses for why he’s not the best, and unfortunately I don’t think he’d be happy with the results.
But thats the thing he’s not on top so it HAS to be cheaters and untill he is on top he is going to use the cheat mantra so that he can use that as a crutch instead of looking at how good he really is
Point is Blizzard could legitimately clear the boards of cheats and he will STILL say they didn’t clear the boards of cheats because he’s not on top and must be because they didn’t clear the board of cheats
Paragon matters if you’re going for a nice spot on the leaderboards. If that paragon is obtained by cheating such as botting, it is very much unfair.
So yes, cheating matters and botting should be rewarded by a permaban and removal from leaderboards.
Having very high paragon obtained by playing by the rules, that is fine with me. And yes, it is pretty easy for us, lower paragons, to say they must have been botting.
However, we as players, do not and will not have proof of such behavior. Blizzard may have such proof and hopefully will deal with botters appropriately.
I must admit, having obtained 10k or more paragon by the rules, is very much (efficient) time spent playing the game which may look like what is generally refered to as having “no life”.
When you do the math, 10k paragon is not humanly obtainable even in easier seasonal themes. The difference between 5k and 6k is massive if you have ever gotten that high. I think everyone that is doubtful of high paragons like 10k are humanly possible should play meta 16 hours a day efficiently every day for 4 months and get back to us. Anyone will then understand exactly how improbable 10k truly is.
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