9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

“de-escalate” is a good description for the comment “Relax we are not doing it.”

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And then the next response is we are not doing it at launch and if we were to do it would be optional.

And then there are complaints about altering FFA loot and the response is

It makes 100% sense and is internally consistent. Nothing is being changed at launch and even if they were later changes, these changes are option and no change is being made to alter FFA loot that is preserved as is.

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thats the point of keep intrest in playing hours after hours as ur not being deservet it always! everyone will loose and will…personally lost lots of hr’s in picking as first but so what. thats the idea of it and keeps u going and going…

its not descaliting if he is infiring that we will put it on later day.

the most probably true in my opinion that they want to release the game with out it and let the players experience (since most of the people asking for pl never really played d2 to the end YES I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT THEY DID PLAYED AND DOESNT LIKED FFA but is not a majority of ploot supporters) and see if they accept the game as it is or not.
THEN they will see whats the numbers are. and if they are relevant (as we already know that happened on wow) bent the knee. I hope i’m wrong in the last part.

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What is your evidence for this? In the reddit poll, >98% were self-identified D2 players where only 38% wanted D2R to be FFA only when that poll approached 9,000 respondents.

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Nothing wrong with your opinion. We both understood his comments differently and explained how we did understand it.

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yeah because people are always honest when they need to win an argument.

and also played d2 doesnt mean being rushed or even play for a week or just logged in for 5 minutes in a friends house

So does Timed Allocation. You will keep going in the exact same sense. Since you wont acquire those high runes any faster.
Nothing changes.

Some of us are. But yeah, some clearly are not.
And it is easy to see how it splits.

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So let say a bunch of people lied.

I already went through the math if people lied, but I will do it again. If 10% lied about playing and they all voted for optional personal loot, then if we exclude that 10% the number, FFA only votes would go from 38% to only 46%.


To illustrate using simpler numbers:

9000 respondents with 38% for FFA only = 3724 for FFA only
10% lying respondents removed and none voted for FFA only = 8100 non-liars =(9,000-900=8,100)
46% = 3724 / 8100

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its seems strange that on every pool on this forum ploot never won. and on d2 facebooks groups happened the same thing.


false. he states its not happening, not that its just not happening at launch.

Incorrect. Please inspect the image I posted again.

It clearly says “if” and “definitely not at launch.” It is unambiguous.


“Not for launch but it’s something the team continues to discuss.”
That’s pretty accurate what he said.


“relax, we are not doing it”

i think it wont get any clearer than that.

So if you look and add numbers its still 39% against personal loot and 49% in favor of personal loot (36% personal loot + 13% for personal loot with a tradeoff)

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That is referring to altering the FFA loot system or a change at launch. He stated that FFA loot is staying in perpetuity in D2R, At best, you can claim it is ambiguous.

These 3 tweets were all in 15 minutes of each other. You can not ignore one or see what “it” Rod was referring to. It is a pronoun that he did not define. It was defined in the earlier tweet that he responded to.


you can do brainacrobatics all you want. i think by now, p loot has created such a shi*show they wont touch it with a 10 foot pole in the future. and thats good.

there is no danger for them in leaving it FFA as expected in a remaster yet the meltdown will be perfect if they implement Ploot and they know it. I doubt they will take the risk for some people that leave after the first month anyways.

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Actually, Blizzard knows that the twitter brigade was due in significant part to a d2 forum with an acronym. I am almost certain they even know the precise thread that led to it and could see that many names were similar between twitter and that other d2 site.

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damn thats some csi level tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. nice

Go to that acronym site and find their 38 page thread and cross reference the names there and on twitter. No hat needed. I will not link to that site.

It is on their D2R forum. Currently on the bottom of page 7 or it may be on page 8 when you visit there. It is marked “closed”.