$60 for a 20 year old game? get real blizz

That’s… That’s exactly what we are doing?! Unless they amend to changes we ask for, hence why we are here.

For reference, Diablo II who people claim to have been going 20+ years strong have only sold 4 million copies (2 million more than Diablo I). Cyperpunk 2077 already outsold it and it’s a bugfest from what I heard. Diablo III sold 20 millions. I am a fan of Diablo II and have played it 200 times more than Diablo III that I never liked, but I am not a delusional emotional fanboy.

We will see how much this will sell, especially since “purists” insist on “change bad” without any rational basis other than irrational fear of change and insist on making it a very exclusive club for the 100 people who still play Diablo II vanilla (does their PC can even run D2R? I seen some complaints of purists refunding because Windows 7 is not supported. Change bad, I guess.).

Endugu is schooling you bad. I’d stop replying before you embarrass yourself any further.

Oh, so you got no respond eh? I presented facts and you come with petty insults - expected from someone playing the same game and having the same mindset and habits for 20+ years.

I am sorry I don’t want to discuss communism in Diablo II forums because oh-you-guys-are-so-smart-and-educated communism lolz, not to mention lack of basic reading comprehension.

But hey, more ad hominem please. It seems he’s been schooling you. :clown_face:

edit: forgot to add, the guy who buys 8 copies of the same exact game to boost himself and says that’s okay.

I’m at the age where I just don’t care enough to put this much thought (and emotion) into making a forum post that will fall on deaf ears. I’m loving the beta and have preordered. If you don’t like it, don’t. Meanwhile I’ll be playing the game and having a good time and enjoying my nostalgia.

That’s very fine? But let’s not pretend this D2R is not full of flaws and bugs, could use lots of enhancements, QoL and changes, and is not worthy of being full price.

We all love this game and actually have its interest in common. So do not be so dismissive and turning it into a very exclusive club by stating “don’t buy it and leave then!”.

See you when they disclose sales data.

I mean…I guess my thoughts came out that way but honestly, I don’t feel like that. I want you and everyone else to enjoy it. Yeah 60 bucks isn’t cheap, I think I only paid 40 because I didn’t get the full edition or whatever.

Sorry if I sounded dismissive, I didn’t mean to. What class are you playing?

At the beta I played wolf Druid, I was reminded of how unbalanced it is and I will end up with a hammerdin and/or a sorceress unless I use sheningans like multi-clienting and et cetra which broke my heart.

I then tried Project Diablo, immediately cancelled my pre-order. Everything I wanted off of D2 is in there, why did they have to remove TCP/IP which could be used to create lobbies for mods?!

I sure hope they re-consider some of their decisions because D2 has great potential, but it’s just too outdated for '21 standards, feels a lot of times to be a tedious chore - like a second job!

What class are you playing friend?

Sorcy at the moment, just farming tombs. Almost level 26! haha…but yeah, usually I will start with a Sorcy for magic find, and then funnel items to my alts.

Waves an american dollar

wow an actual delusional, self entitled, sociopath.
Dont see those everyday.

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The difference between broke and poor is significant. A broke person doesn’t immediately have access to cash. A poor person lacks the mental constitution to take control of their own circumstances by educating and training themselves to improve the quality of their life. People who are programmed to be poor can take control of their own life simply by unlearning what they’ve been programmed to think and then relearning a new and prosperous way to think.

This isn’t about developing a higher IQ, it’s about developing the desire then acumen for a different, a better way of life. Desire though is 100% controlled by dopamine. So if dopamine triggers are controlled by envy, for example, it become difficult to actually improve one’s life. There is a reason envy is called a deadly sin, and is the worst of them all. All the other deadly sins are rooted in envy. Sin is an archer’s term for missing the mark. So instead of blaming anyone and everyone for one’s lot in life and projecting envy in public, it’s better to start replacing one’s own harmful self-talk with life affirming intention. Life is growth through movement. It’s up to one’s self to be conscious of it, or not.

A poor minded person emotionally affirms “I can’t afford it!”
A prosperous minded person affirms “What can I do to be able to afford it?”

I think, therefore I am
What you think about, you bring about.
As a man thinketh, a man becometh. (women too)

Calling me names is received like water off a ducks back, but what you say to yourself and others becomes a part of your own subconscious mind, which is essentially translated into muscle memory. You are in fact what you see in others.

After playing D2:R beta over the weekend, if I was able to bind skills to the mouse, I consider it’s price well worth the money. The Sanctuary environment they created is gorgeous.

God Speed, My Friend.

@ Endugu

They are not wrong though, in fact, they profile you psychologically very well. That psycho as heck textwall you just posted further backs it, belongs to /r/imverysmart by the way. Oh, have you heard of Reddit? It did not exist in 2000.

Cliche my friend, cliche! You read some of those mainstream self-development books that people read in high school. You are so smart and educated. You did not brag about your master creative Diablo II builds though, so 8/10 this time.

Communism in D2 forums topic that discusses game-balancing by the way. :clown_face:

It’s shameful really, you see those people who might even be in their 50s who have been sheltered all their lives, have no idea what the real life is. Change your mindset and your bank account goes up bro, you heard it first here! Educate yourself you illiterate!

As incoherent and irrelevant as you are, thanks for the update!

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The most important advice I share with everyone is to exercise your brain. It’s fundamentally no different than exercising your body.

Your disability to have basic level of coherence and understanding is 100% dependent on the way you think about prosperity. Educate yourself in every way on basic cognitive abilities. In no time at all you’ll find your brain shifts from a poor, lacking and envious mindset that can not understand simple forum post to one that sees potential for growth and prosperity everywhere. It’s literally the universal law of currency, but you have to act on it! Because like water, both your brain and thoughts become stagnant if it just sits around getting baked into uselessness! Start with YouTube, there is a wealth of knowledge there, then hit the library. Invest in your brain!

God speed, Shiny Pikachu!

Oh wait
I think
therefore I am
therefor… nothing is irrelevant…

Ergo, price is fine!!!
Change mindset and you can afford it too. D2 is not communism so only hammerdin and sorc shall reign.

Don’t forget:

Yet proceeds to call others names and make baseless assumptions on them, without remotely knowing them. Are you extremely religious by any chance? :roll_eyes:

Oh God, imagine waking up and having that mindset. :rofl:

Do not ridicule and condescend people again. Ever. Got it?

Mimicking someone is both flattery and envy. You’re also experiencing a deep seed resentment toward me which is rooted in anger, which is even further root in envy. I’m happy to help you do the internal work to uproot all your hostility, but my conversation isn’t about you or for you. It’s about someone who thinks D2:R is only worth $10 and my part in the conversation has nothing to do with you. All you are doing here is bringing in your wounds that you asked to stop in your thread, which I respectfully acquiesced by giving you the last word. If you’d like to continue our conversation that we had the other day in your topic, then lets continue it over there. Until then, no more bait and switch and no more my enemy’s enemy is my friend from you, Sun Shine.

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For someone who is so educated and smart, I sure hope you take a course in formatting your text because that was painful to read and I was not even going to read it.

You posted an “idea” on a public forum, proceeded to condescend and be rude to other people who disagree with you (exercise brain) and I commented on it. Simple.

I gave up on you simply because imagine bringing up communism in d2 balancing discussion, don’t you have anyone to talk to, to flex them your gigantic very-educated galaxy brain? Could it be because of total lack of social skills and etiquette even for “gamer” standards?

Not to mention you not even having basic reading comprehension Mr. Brain Exerciser.

Absolutely everything you’re accusing me of is nothing more than a projection of yourself. If you’d like to continue our previous conversation where you were completely wrong in everything you said, then lets talk over there about it. Your hyperbolic opinion of me and what I’ve said here to op is irrelevant.

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IMO if you get a trade or specialize, most people can make 60k a year. If you buy a house for 150k at 2.5% apr and 30 years, that’s going to be about $700 a month. Bills say $350, food and entertainment say $1.5k. That’s about 30k per year and you probably owe Uncle Sam a few grand too.

If you are able to invest 30k per year at a 10% rate of return (similar to index fund ror), compounded just once a year you’ve got over a million dollar portfolio in 15 years and are on your way to owning a house that probably has appreciated significantly since you bought it.

But you’re right, in real life everyone who is broke must stay broke forever.

Jealous much? But I somewhat agree about whether D2R is worth $40 simply because I’m uncertain it’s an upgrade over D2. Assassin is unplayable and some of the characters just aren’t enjoyable to look at. They say that better looking politicians are more likely to win elections and I agree that I’m more likely to want to play my D2 sorc or assassin cause they are flippin cool to this day. Not to mention possible performance issues and who knows what else will await D2R players. I’ll probably wait and see.

You’re absolutely right but it is literally impossible to generalize. People go through different circumstances, countries each have their own living standards, loans and shove a family, et cetra.

I think it’s a bit condescending and a little bit rude to downplay other people’s misfortunate with a “change your mindset, exercise your brain” talk. I mean sure, if you are a single dude with okayish job you can spend on video games just fine and say things like that.

A big emphasize also on the last line:

To be fair that exact individual Huddy was addressing was bragging on other topic how he bought 8 copies of D2: LoD for “reasons”, and when I told him the incentive was a flawed game design and D2R should rectify that (adding difficulty feature, balancing, that sort of things) he was against it so… :woman_shrugging:

Back in 2000 Diablo II released for $60 and LoD released for $35.

If you factor in inflation from 2000-2021 those games would cost around $150 to buy both now.

Great deal for a remaster 20 years later if you ask me.