5k Paragon cap for every season?

Since they were using 5k paragon as benchmark, maybe they should cap the paragon to 5k for every season?

Yay or Nay?


No Paragon cap.
Paragon should be limitless as Nephilim are themselves without limits.


Nay, I like that endless progression of “the more I play the stonger i get”.

I dislike how they even consider the paragons when balancing builds/sets in the first place. Some might use for vitality and some might use main stats. It wouldn’t be accurate. They shouldnt even consider the paragon points and just balance builds/sets themselves.


Nay, however i do feel strongly about a really steep curve in regards to EXP needed to get to 5001 on wards? If 5000 is the requirement then perhaps going forward it could be really hard to get even more points, so that it can remain a thing to keep striving for however really hard to achieve.

man … please … how did you guys do that average ? if you guys want to get the real numbers … you should get them from Hardcore Servers… thats where the most experimented players are ... and where the numbers should be extracted from ... 118 on necro? on Hardcore? how many ??? 1- 2 ? you are making the Crusader not Die Hard but impossible to kill 3 Cheat death and necro to take 1 hit from everything and a cheat death that sucks ... and then if the necro has a build ... put it to the ground ... sure why not... THANKS, BLIZZARD FOR WASTING OUR TIME !!!! ah yes ... in 3 months to Obtain 5000 paragon? without 4 man groups? yeah, Good Luck with that !!!! if you get to 2000 paragon on Solo ... you have outdone yourself and wasted 99% of your free time on Diablo ..... ah, and you have played an overpowered build ... have the decency and say the only way to play it is for 4 man groups ... wich if you CHECK DATA 60-80% OF US WE HATE IT because we play ARPG not MMO... ;) i will offer some advice BALANCE Solo with Multiplayer the diffrence is to huge ok if multiplayer would have 10-20% bonus would be nice but 2000 paragon vs allmost 5000 paragon well lets just say that is just …



you can infinitely up paragon levels in season

but you can use only 5000 of yours 6732 (for example) paragon points in season

how about this?

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It seems to me they did not take survivability into account when they made their assumptions.

Bots love unlimited paragon!


Most players will not get any difference with this change. Top-paragon guys too, cause 5+ is already near their limit per season. So that change is fully useless


Make sense. If that is the case, how about having a leaderboard who reached 3k, 4k and 5k paragon first.

They should definitely make the following Seasonal-only theme and see how the player base is influenced by it:

  • No bonuses post P800 (you are free to grind paragon as much as you want - no cap on it)
  • No additional benefits for gems and augments post level 50 (you are free to upgrade these to 150)
  • GR keys are not required to enter a GR, but no experience is granted when not using a GR key

The participation of the player base in the above Seasonal theme will answer one of the most discussed topics through D3 lifespan and one of their questions at the community for D4: “Should there be paragon?”

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players already doing P5000 in seasons?
WTF! My NS is not even there yet after several years!


Considering that reaching P800 and gearing for your character is easy in D3, does this mean that people will just stop playing the season within 2 weeks at best?

Also, upgrading your gear thru caldesann despair is also the reason why people even bother to run bounty for the reforge ancient, limiting the gem upgrade will shorten the process of grinding too.

The reason why am I still playing S19 until now after I have upgraded every my gear with lv100 gems is because I am want to get P1200 for my character in this season.

If S19 followed your restriction that the Paragon is capped at 800 and the gem upgrade capped at lv50, I think I would have done playing S19 last month or perhaps 3 weeks after the season 19.

I’d say a P800 season cap would quickly show who has the “skill” on GR more than who has the “grind time”.

People would still play, as the rankings would stay super close!


We don’t know that.

You may discover that meta-free groups make games more interesting and experiment with different builds.

You may find more friends that are in public games due to the no stats disparity.

There are many other indirect consequences of such Theme - such that even the D3 team itself is missing to see now - remember what they wrote in the blog post from yesterday: “regardless of what we add, we know the community will find combinations we never anticipated” AKA there are always “hidden” things that “emerge” due to new game mechanics and system changes.

What do they lose with such Theme? - a few days of our D3 hero programmer’s time and 2 months of Season if it’s a fail.

What do they gain? - direct knowledge how the community reacts to the Theme which might be crucial for the future design of D4.

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You can absolutely tell right now how the playerbase would be influenced by it, and that is : barely anyone would be playing after day 1 because theres little to no progress to be made in the long run.


I don’t know man because at least there is a reason (aiming for lv99) to play D2 after you found your gear completely but I just don’t see it in D3 once you reached Lv800 cap and gotten all your gear upgraded. Capping P800 also means that no one is going to clear GR150 either.

If anything, I feel that P2000 cap (or any paragon number cap that took as long as levelling the character to Lv99 in D2) should be a nice cap for the season play.

due to d3 non existing endgame I barely reach 800-900 each league it’s a shame but I guess others enjoy reaching 5k every single season.

I would suggest a much lower cap like 2k but I’m sure people that want to keep “progressing” would see it as an issue… so I’m kinda back to square 1 regarding this topic.

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Indeed. I found this methodology very strange. All classes can do GR 130+ with 5k paragon, in fact, all can do with much less, so 130 @ 5k is relatively easy and I don’t consider it a real push. But the biggest problem is that balancing around 130 does not give us precise parameters of the REAL potential of the build, this is because most of those who are really pushing are in the range of 138-140 +. These players provide us with much more accurate data than 130 @ 5K players

The game is heading to a very uncertain place …

The original design of GR’s was destroyed, that is, before the GR LVL was infinite, today it is a cap. For old players who like to push, the game is over …

In addition, the “balance” solo seems to be being done around semi-casual clears …

Well … let’s see what it will be …

I have tons of hours in D2 and I never went beyond level 93.

Is there some special reward for clearing GR150 that I don’t know of?

Well, I’d point a bet at you if we could somehow verify that, but we can’t, at this point we can only speculate. The one and only fact that is known however is that D3 player base went from hero to zero during the years. Paragon and botting increased their importance and many people stopped playing because of that.