5 Possible uses for gold

Unfortunately we have too much gold and we need to spend it. I thought of alternatives that you might like.

1) How about if an NPC has the same use as Kadala but with gold.

$(X x Gold) = Random Gear (White/Blue/Yellow/Legendary/Ancient/Primal)

2) Change a piece from legendary to ancient with blacksmith

A Legendary Bow with good stats but non-ancient + X amount of Gold = Same Bow but Ancient.

3) Second roll with Mystic.

If you roll the primary property you can roll the second property using gold and vice versa

4) Upgrade legendary affix of primal items in cube

You get an item and unfortunately its legendary affix is modified in the new patch and now sucks. You can put in cube with gold and now you have the new legendary affix.

5) New Level of Infernal Machine
With 10 of each Infernal Machine, you will get a new level more hard

10x Infernal Machine of Regret + Gold = 1 Legendary Infernal Machine
10x Legendary Infernal Machine of Regret + Gold = 1 Ancient Legendary Infernal Machine
10x Ancient Legendary Infernal Machine of Regret + Gold = 1 Primal Legendary Infernal Machine

Some neat ideas for new recipes, however I think some might be too powerful considering how easy it is to get gold. Having a way to retain item stats (primary and secondary affixes plus legendary power roll) but upgrade to ancient would be really nice to cut down on some of the RNG, if the cost was appropriate, and the same with being able to upgrade legacy items to the newer version, however the game is designed that having you refarm is an intentional part of the loot grind and end game.

Empower high level GRs and watch the gold drain away. For every 1 billion gold you can’t empower that many high level GRs.

I’ve never understood this moaning about “having too much something”, regardless of what that “something” is.

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Please go back to t6


I wont mind Spending gold to get some quality life changes such as:

  • Applying gold cost option to Closing a GR if not completed by speaking to ork in town without the need to go to main menu.

  • Applying gold cost option to reset bounties after completion without the need to go to main menu ( specially in public games as sometimes you find really very fast efficient bounty group of players that you wish to do several more runs with )

  • Adding gold cost when I let my follower join me in solo, ( even when we need our follower to join we have to right click and choose “HIRE”. the followers fight with us for free!? )

  • Applying gold cost option on closing Ubbers & cow lvls portals after 30 sec of completion.

  • Last one could be also cool gold usage feature dunno if it’s technically can be done which is:
    Adding more dye variety of colors with gold fees for us to purchase to dye our gear ( could be purchased from mystic. )

These kind of additions been asked by many before, they do not affect game play as much as it’s adding some ways where we can spend the ton of gold we have… Gold matters only when we empower GR or enchant items ( expanding our stash tabs and repair gear is barely considered as a source of spending game currency ) other than that it has no use or real meaningful value.

I just thought to suggest them again even I doubt any of those suggestions would be applied as D3 has been out for 8 years and I guess we are approaching closer to the end of D3 life cycle.

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Hold on, so that means 1 primal machine = 10 ancient legendary machines = 100 legendary machines = 1000 machines plus whatever the gold cost is.

At T16 you get 3-4 machines so you’d need approximately 286 Keywarden kills to get the 1000 base machines to combine into 1 primal machine.

What could primal Ubers possibly drop which would justify that level of time investment?
Unless it’s a pet that picks up DBs…

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I think those having too much gold are not doing enough high GRs (or not empowering them). Personally I empower all the GRs I do and never have too much gold (just as a reminder it costs around 100 millions to empower a GR110+, 200 millions to empower a GR130+ and 300 millions to empower a GR 140+)

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My point exactly. Empowering high level GRs is very costly. Completing an empowered GR only refunds 1/3 of the empowering cost so with every empowered GR one loses 2/3 of the gold investment regardless.


For me the rerolling idea sounds good.

It could allow an accelerated progression for those who are fairly casual, removing some of the luck factor during seasonal leaderboard race, while not having any effect whatsoever on ultimate balance. (Extensive farmers have good items without.)

It would shift focus from throwing away pretty much every item - I find 2-3 upgrades annually - to building a good set of gear for yourself.

And frankly, it would reduce stash freakout since you wouldn’t really need to keep an item just because it has good rolls and might get useful.

Can add an obscene cost of cash to a guaranteed perfect reroll of an existing stat, or a guaranteed small improvement.
Might as well add a reroll into ancient, guaranteed worst stats, although that kinda exists as is (with the mandatory gambling element, because this is a Casino). I have no idea about its actual cost right now, I don’t gather enough bounty mats to consider burning them. Hence not using the blacksmith, either.

Disclaimer: It would help me, I have no idea about macro consequences.

The thing is, gold gained is very much dependant on your character strength. A stronger character gains gold much faster than a lower level character. Thus putting progress or power behind a gold wall is very limiting and punishing for early/lower level players, and small handouts for higher and endgame players.

That is why the empower system is quite nice, as i basically costs you 3x the reward to empower a rift, and then you get 1x back at the end. Meaning it scales really well with your progress.

I dont have the issue of having too much gold. I have the issue of not having enough gold. I think players who has too much gold just doesnt use them efficiently. Empowering GR and upgrading gems to flawless toyal uses up a lot of gold for me so I’m always looking for more gold. Just cause some players chooses to hoard gold and not use them is not an issue of “we have too much gold”, its players not knowing how to use them efficiently. If someone chooses to not empower GR or just forgets or chooses not to, thats one of the reason why they have too much gold.

I’m supportive to have different ways to spend gold but I dont have the issue of having too much gold.

I have 190b of gold, i dont care about gold but maybe this can be a help for new players. A second roll for an easy zmonk, yards for a zbarb. Diablo needs to find ways to attract more audiences, giving opportunities to progress more easily.

It is not the fault of others that you do not have gold or that you cant play even in t6. Let the highest level people speak.

Based on what you made that nonsense assumption?

Getting mass amounts of gold is crazy easy.
Just setting up a t16 key farming build with 35k + gold find and a boon of the hoarder will net you billions and billions in a relatively short amount of time.

Add a QoL item like avarice band and that’s it done.

Gold is useless now, we need ways to spend the gold