I know the fourth item for the cube is only for season, but NS needs love too
Honestly, there should be something for BOTH non season and season BUT have something exclusive ONLY to season. Obviously there will still be some QQ or I WANT, but at least there will be some love to both sides of the coin. Due to said QQ or I WANT, I can see no love for non season.
Know Seasonal Play, Know Seasonal Goodies.
No Seasonal Play, no Seasonal Goodies.
I disagree, NS characters have their high paragon already, they do not need buffs (I include myself here, I will be paragon 4,000 at the end of season 22). Just bring back the 4th cube slot in future seasons.
OK then, let us agree to disagree It is Bizzard which will make the call anyway.
This is what I hear when I see posts like this
“I got this game that I’ve played for X amount of hours and they released “new game” but I dont want to pay for that new game they should just give me all the stuff!!!”
“But the new game is free to you and itll be fun!!! You can try new things on a fresh slate”
“NO!! I just want to do nothing and get the same perks!!! I shouldn’t have to do anything!!! I don’t care if others had to start from scratch to EARN the right to play with that dynamic!!! I deserve to get it for free!!! QQ pout pout”
Anyway I hope blizzard continues to find ways to make the game more challenging and doesnt listen to people who just want free stuff
You forgot to tell the new players to get off of your lawn, Pixus.
New players have a fresh start every season. They can totally pick up a season and start fresh with everyone… if you want a cookie at a bakery you pay for it if you want to play a new dynamic you start a season. New players can play seasons too you know
I mean, it’s not as though seasonal players have to do anything special to earn the 4th slot either. On the other hand, if they tied the 4th slot to the end of the seasonal journey, then that’d be a different story.
Don’t be giving them ideas like that. One more reason to hate doing set dungeons. I have everything done for the entire season except set dungeons, because I hate them THAT bad. Set dungeons always ruin my enjoyment of seasons. If they weren’t there, I would be more inclined to play more during a season.
Really? Besides starting from scratch at level 1 with zero paragons, you mean? My NS toons have over 3,600 paragons and do not need additional buffs.
They have to lvl a full new character, regear from scratch, get the cube, collect mats, collect the legs required to extract attributes.
Now of course they will be gifted with the 4th slot immediately but they will definitely invest sometime into making it useable. If they just dropped it on NS what would be the point of playing seasons at all? Even for an average player a season can be completed in less that a week if you care about the cosmetics. It makes it worth it if the buff is fun and you want to keep playing with it
Destroy all of your gear and remove your allocated paragon points, then make a new character.
Play a different region that you haven’t touched on yet
Then you can easily have your “starting from scratch” experience in non-season.
A task that every player had to go through, non-seasonal and seasonal alike. Starting from scratch isn’t a task that’s unique to season only. As said above, any player (seasonal and non-seasonal) can start from scratch if they so choose to.
From my understanding, the primary purpose of season should be the “starting fresh” experience, as well as the ability to compete with others on a leveled playing field; at least that’s what I’ve been told by some primary seasonal players. I myself mostly participate in season when there’s a reward that I want (cosmetics or stash tabs).
With that said, I’m actually not advocating for the 4th lot to be added to non-season. I honestly don’t believe that blizzard would add it to non-season considering that out of all of our seasonal themes thus far, only 3 of them in some manner had made their way to non-season. I doubt this one will be the fourth to do so.
My outburst was only on the statement that implied if non-seasonal players get the 4th slot, then they’d be getting it for free; when the same can be said regarding seasonal players (again there’s no activity needed to be done in order to get the 4th slot).
I’ll apologize for that now, in the event that they do pull something like that.
Shadow Clones killing elites / guardians for you.
I suppose that’s not enough of an incentive to warrant playing season for some people.
It doesn’t have to be significant, like seasonal, just something. Like you said, they already have high paragon. Also, they have all the goodies that they have collected from seasonal and non seasonal play.
However, as I said, that won’t happen. Why? Because the non seasonal people would cry that they didn’t get enough and now they want more.
But seasonal got __________________________________ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Non season got __________________________________ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
The the same thing would need to be said, AGAIN.
Play non seasonal, get partial or in this case NO GOODIES.
Play seasonal, get goodies. Maybe actually have fun as well.
Its an interesting slanted PoV from a seasonal.
You have had Seasons 20 and 21 allowing players to play in some cases Gr’s 15-20 tiers higher padding gems well beyond what they would have been able to do on their own. That’s before we start talking double bounties, double goblins, etc. that NS players never see.
When the seasons over then you take your padded gems, caldesann the crap out your NS characters and turn the NS leaderboards into a farce. You talking about handing out milk and cookies?
I still play non season and enjoy the fact that the classes I put up on the leaderboard don’t need an asterisk beside them…
You literally had zDPS that rolled off 150’s letting the elemental do all the work on the RG’s and your talking about NS wanting a free cookie…smh