30th T-Mog Set wings?

So when are we going to get access to the new t-mog set and wings ? I figured they would be dropping today.

Overwatch skin, portrait, and spray and StarCraft portraits will be in-game no later than February 18, 2021; Diablo III in-game items will be in-game no later than February 28, 2021.

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thanks dude i was looking everywhere haha so hyped

Idk about the wings but the transmog set is looking sicc. Waiting for it to be dropped on console though.

where are the transmog and wings video/pics ?

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Check out them apples:

Thank you, BlizzPro!


Those look amazing!

Hooley, those are the pet and wings from the D2:R/D3 Prime Evil Edition. If you’re trying to say those are part of the cosmetics from the 30th Anniversary Epic Package, then Blizzard needs to seriously clarify this because otherwise they’re double dipping by making players pay twice.

Right now, players are confused as to just what is what because someone at Blizzard’s marketing division failed to be specific with regard to whether these items are part of only the D2:R Prime Evil Edition (basically a digital delux D2:R + D3 package) or are also shared by the 30th Anniversary Celebration Epic Pack.

That’s where the confusion lies currently. Given the very high cost of the Epic Pack, players are going to be very unhappy if these items are shared (and if they aren’t cost reduced when getting the higher tier D2:R packages).

You are not right on this Tias.

The red wings, armor set, hooded murlock pet, and portrait are from the 30th Anniversary pack. I have them. I even logged in to find out what they looked like myself before seeing the reveals.

The wings and pet from the D2R are different. They are bony.

See the pictures here. The left is the 30th Pack and the right is the D2R thing.


Nice transmog on the demon hunter… except when out in the wild, Vengeance with Dawn gets activated and has 100% uptime obscuring it… and after that in town you mostly sit in menus anyway.


Excellent. As long as they’re different that’s great. But marketing would be wise to clarify on their respective pages that they are respectively not the same as each other.

I logged on day one and got the placeholder achieve. I logged on day two, today, and I have the real achieves but no transmogs. whompwhomp

Where are you looking Greywolf? The transmogs are in your transmogs menu at the mystic. I could not see them on a low level char, but on a max level char I was able to use them. They are the Wanderer set.

Also, remember the transmog comes with the highest level package. Make sure you have that one. Check the chart here.

I like it a lot. I’m hanging out to see what it looks like on other toons.

I am on EU & US server, I have the wings, the portrait frame and the pet. No transmogs, characters are at level 70, one on season, one on none season, no transmogs. I bought the epic pack. I did get the achievements, all 3 showing me what was rewarded.

They don’t look like anything special. Go to the Mysitic, put your helm in the transmog window, scroll down the mogs until you see the Wanderer helm that looks like a red hood with a skull face.

Same for the other armor. You have to go searching for them in your transmog list as you transmog something.

I came back to ask for message to be deleted. They were not there when I first logged in, they are there now. Apologies.

Perfectly ok to ask! I had to switch chars to a max level one, then really go hunting to find them. They don’t stick out as new items with a flashing border or anything helpful.

That is actually a suggestion for Blizz.

In D3 (or other Diablo games), they need to make the new pet, transmog, wing, or portrait gained stand out like they do the new Collection items in WoW.

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Any word of when console players will be getting the in games items? I bought the 30th celebration bundle for the Xbox yesterday and received the overwatch in game items, but didn’t not receive the Diablo items.

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They might take a couple days. I got mine yesterday but bought the pack a couple days prior to the event.

Have to admit, I kinda like the Portrait frame they gave. Haven’t tried the transmogs yet.