My amazon has recently constructed a devastating matriarchal spear. But, she’s designed as a bow/arrow and javelin/shield hybrid. There’s a hotkey to switch between her two main configurations. I was thinking it would be nice to have a third configuration slot so the heavy damage two-hander could be easily employed.
The W key could be used to cycle through all three settings. Perhaps shift+w could reverse the cycling direction. If the amazon prefers to stay with two configurations, she could leave the third tab empty and the W key would only cycle through the two configurations that have items.
This could work for other classes as well. Consider the barbarian with two weapons, a single two-hander, and a weapon/shield. A sorceress could have gear strengthening each of the spheres of fire, cold, and lightning. A paladin could have weapon/shield, low damage weapon for conversion and shield, and a ranged weapon - possibly a spear/shield set up.