2x M6 MS-Arsenal v 2x M6 CA-LFB v 2x Rats for 4man EXP runs

Anyone do a comparison between the following 3 builds for EXP runs, assuming the updated Mara set?:

  • 2x M6 MS-Arsenal
  • 2x M6 CA-Loaded for Bear
  • 2x Rats (LoD mages)

Rat Necro isn’t my thing. However, Mara-6 is fun. dmkt posted in the old forums a guide to Nat runs, a switch up of Rat for N6M4 Multishot Arsenal. I’m sure some ran the group setup, but it never became main stream. The new M6 needs to gain main stream traction in the EXP META.

Here is a link to dmkt’s 2.6.4 D-fans guide (with video) ==> https://www.diablofans.com/builds/101266-2-6-4-natma-s16-gr125

dmkt’s build is all:

  • full screen spray
  • say hello to my 5 ghetto blasters
  • no prisoners, kill 'em all
  • rockets, rockets, and hey more rockets
  • area meet damage, damage meet area
  • F-I-R-E

So to the question at the top of this post??

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Hi BossDogg, the builds feel better than Natma, even solo, without the znec producing globes.

In solo, we can fire near endlessly. The obvious difference between N6M4 and today’s M6 is being equipping Yang’s Recurve and the ease of obtaining 100% Vengeance uptime. This boosts is the mobility and ability to spam without constant health globes.

That isn’t to say that health globes aren’t welcome. Blood Vengeance is still a huge help in 2 minute runs.

For speeds, you want either Multishot:Arsenal or Cluster Arrow:Maelstrom.

I have put together some very cool CA speed builds in S25. I actually farm keys with Cluster Arrow. Some setups to consider include:

  • Yang’s w/ Dregs | Manticore Cubed
  • Yang’s w/ Anguish | Manticore Cubed
  • Manticore w/ Anguish | Echoing Fury Cubed

Zodiac is great all around, i pair it with SoJ in speed runs.

I haven’t done much Multishot this season, i do plan to visit it soon.

If you want a reason to include a zNec, you’d run Cluster Arrow w/ Echoing Fury and Dregs, with another player taking Remnant of Pain that gives 50% attack speed.

I agree the new M6 has some advantages over the N6M4 builds. I think the nerfs to Reapers Wraps and Solanium (mace) were bad ideas. Rathma Necro exposed the dependence on items like the above to enable a Rat-Run META. That META was considered legit for more than 5 seasons and out of no where the devs decide to invalidate it with nerfs. The unintended consequence is the nerfs harmed all classes. We can table this discussion about those nerfs for another time. However, I agree globes are welcomed and important.

What I would be looking for is an analysis and comparison of those 3 builds, against each other, with and without the Season 25 theme items.

While I like Multishot I’ll have try Cold Cluster Arrow, since it has 2 multipliers (quiver and cross bow).

Please post links to your builds.