2.7.2 PTR notes are up!


HotA time, my dudes! If my math is right I’m showing a 6 GR increase for all forms of HotA. My gut reaction is that this will be virtually tied with rend. Honestly haven’t been keeping track of the leaderboards lately so I could be wrong.

Also, looking forward to details about the soul shards, could be very cool. The rest of the class changes seem appropriate. Although I wish Wiz had a buff to balance the FB nerf, and bonespear needs to be unneutered.


Imo. I would have liked to see a rework of Raekor or IK. Nice for HoTa but still. Just a weapon upgrade… Kinda meh like previous seasons

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Yeah obviously I would have preferred more. That being said, it’s still more than I was expecting, since I imagine the D2R server debacle is putting strain on the team.

Also, glad I spent so much time getting that perfect primal Remorseless. It seems to be my luck that when I get my primal it’s obsolete the next patch. Same thing happened with Blade of the tribes lol.

I like lod hota a lot. Prob my 2nd fav barb build. I look forward to smashing stuff.


That’s right!

Not quite. All 3 will be about as strong as Leapquake, a little stronger than Frenzy. I’d expect to see 146-147 clears at 10k paragon. But Rend can (and has) done 150 at 8-9k paragon. Still the king.

I think the big winner will really be LOD, overall. IK (and even more so, R6) are going to feel pretty glassy.


Ik may be close to rend now for casuals or low key count pushers but not for page 1 barbs. As rage pointed out in another thread all HOTA build will have similar potential to leapquake which is still 3 levels behind rend.

Oh, it’s still at least 5 levels, maybe as much as 7…

Nice, thanks. Didn’t see the convo in IK sticky until after I posted this.

I feel like that class balance is about right. Barbs are looking good, just need that Raekor rework.

There was that fluke 8k clear back at the beginning of the Era so we don’t know now because that clear was removed from the China server. Currently the lowest paragon rend 150 is 10.1k. I am only counting non season.

Yeah I wouldn’t ordinarily count seasonal clears, but that one was from the season when the theme was basically “nothing” (it was the follower season, which also took effect in non-season at the same time).

That guy did indeed get banned, most likely for botting. But, like Seras said: he still had to actually play the rift!

Anyway, if we do just look at what’s on the NS board right now, it would be +4 for Rend (Deal’s 146 vs the 150 with 10.1k you mentioned). Rend is somewhere right around 2x the power of Leapquake (2x damage is +4.4 GRs).

I guess we will never know. For someone to get banned from the china server they must be doing some special kind of stuff. Botting is definitely not something they care about. Maybe he found a way to que up only 4 corner festers with the perfect trash and pylon placement everytime. lol!!!

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High paragons scale super well with HOTA. Some of those crazy Asian players will probably break 150.

One thing I don’t quite understand is: All IK builds are far behind other sets.
Bliz have the data, it should be clear.

Remorseless alone can’t fix HotA. yet they don’t want buff IK set?

The only reason for this change is to make lod HotA the best HotA build?

The math says otherwise. This puts them inline with LQ and and slightly ahead of frenzy. My resident mathematician already has looked at it. Unless you consider 4-5 GR still far behind?

I feel like the power balance between IK and LoD is perfect. LoD is much harder to gear and harder to play, so it should edge out IK by a little bit. The set is so easy to play, and has almost no gear requirements.

Well, I currently have a really nice primal Remorseless on my non-seasonal IK/HOTA Barb. I guess I know what I’ll be reforging spares of at the Cube when this hits live a couple of days before S25 starts.

Cool buff to HOTA. Very glad they buffed Remorseless and not the IK set.

Side note, but does anyone know how much stronger Impale is going to be?

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The main dh’s on the forum are not entirely sure of the mechanics of the change so they don’t know. Also they are talking about a possible rune change depending on how said mechanics play out. Basically they don’t know.

You guys got a solid buff that is going to stick, this is the best situation to be in, similar to DH Impale, not so much for M6 which will likely go back to the operating room.

It is taking a while for them to address the other important barb stuff. I bet next patch they’ll enhance both sets, which do you feel is in more serious need of help, Raekor or IK?

IK is a nice generic dps boosting set. You could make it similar to Innas but it would be too op. Reakor could use a rework. I’d be happy with adjusting how the set gets stacks. If you were pumping out 5 stacks per swing the set would be fun. Getting 1 stack per charge is too slow.