2.7.0 __S-22 Wizard Update/Balance Mega thread

Bombermen, eh, pardon… Crusaders have better Meteors than wizards now anyways, so doesn’t matter anymore.

Now now, their bombardment had been bad for quite some time, so let 'em have some fun with it while they can (hopefully it doesn’t get nerf or killed in a future patch). I remember how some saders were upset about how poorly ineffecient bombardment was in comparison to meteor.

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Hey, I’m happy for our Crusader friends that they have a great (and fun to boot) build and I hope they get to keep it. Still, it’s quite vexing that they actually have a better ‘Meteor’ build then we Wizards that have actually a skill that’s called Meteor.

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It wouldn’t be the first that another class had a skill that was similar to our own, yet performed noticeably better and/or had better support than our’s. That said, here’s hoping that the season after the next two seasons would be where we see some love for more of our skills, including meteor (if it happens earlier than that, then that’d be great, but I’m not expecting it).

I know a Meteor that doesn’t even play Wizard!

Oh I’m not sour about the fact that Bombardment got a major improvement now. That’s actually great. I’m pissed because this difference in results clearly shows that they can get things right unless we talk about wizrats. I mean simply look at all the last few patches - what did they do and what it led us to.

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You have no arguments from me. It’s sad, but having clunky hot mess of a build is nothing new for us and seems to be the fate of Wizdogs when it comes to most of our top builds.

Seems fair. Wizards can’t play Meteor. Meteor can’t play Wizard.