2.7.0 __S-22 Wizard Update/Balance Mega thread

If by times, you mean almost every single time. I can think of maybe half a dozen instances in 10 years when they listened to the Wizard community. 1) Changing Ashengarr’s (originally a ring), 2) changing the 6-peice Tal Rasha’s set bonus slightly to have a better uptime and 3) adding a specifically Hydra-build (and then nerfing it repeatedly until it was barely viable.)

I don’t remember if Karini was a specifically community-requested change. I know there was feedback on how terrible it was.

Oh, and I forgot about how terrible Ranslor’s were originally. They pulled that too.

I gotta apologize Bossdog; we kinda went off on a tangent with this thread.

Not to be cynical, but this assumes Blizzard is going to do anything we suggest. Blizzard will do whatever they want.

OP wanted to gather and organize ideas. Regardless of whether or not Blizzard would implement any of these changes doesn’t change that we diverted a bit from the OP’s intention.

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I think we had a pretty fair discussion on the items we discussed, specifically Firebirds, Deathwish, and what would need to be implemented for Dark Mage’s Shade.

I’m really confused as to how blizzard didnt even look at this MEGA Update/Buff Idea thread for Wizards and take it into account…
instead… they slightly buff a hydra build and thats it.

Whats the point of feedback if they ignore it all on a class that is severly lacking… only to make their own ideas for “buffs” for such few changes…
What a joke this next update/patch is…

Yeah, well, they literally did none of it. Which is kinda expected, tbh. They may claim they listen to feedback until they are blue in the face, but every PTR patch proves they really don’t.

I suppose they haphazardly fixed Winter Flurry. I’m trying to get that changed to Frost Nova instead of blizzard, which would be a very nice change. Typhon to 2000% was a direct player suggestion.

They increased Typhon set to 2k%… pretty much the only thing they did that’s in line with what we also suggested.

The rest is just them telling us they hate wizards because wizards didn’t play their Typhon set because reasons.

Now, let’s look at some details:

They made Winter Flurry a Blizzard item - so much so good, that’s something that we wanted… Blizzard items. BUT limiting that effect to Hydra is just awkward gameplay and doesn’t make Blizzard any good on it’s own. Only good Blzzard still is Apocalypse.

They changed Fragment to all signature skills which is what the community wanted. Again, tied to Hydra… Man, guys, that’s so much pushing it.

If the set was designed a tad better (as in did more than just buffed hydra), then I’d enjoy playing it; but alas it is what it is.

I don’t think anyone wanted to cast Blizzard for the hell of it. We wanted Blizzard to be a viable spender we could build around.

  I am really hoping we can get Winter Flurry changed from Blizzard to Frost Nova. and just make it *SO* much more elegant. I'd encourage you guys to offer this feedback when the PTR opens if you agree. 

True, I forgot about Fragment, that was direct from player feedback too.

Sure that would be the goal. But at this point maybe we should focus on avoiding this patch to be a disaster for wizards.

don’t tie Fragment to hydra. make it global
don’t tie Winter Flurry to hydra. make it global
revert Etched Sigil to its current power


I agree so much with that. On one hand they don’t listen but on the other hand we as a community provide huge amounts of feedback, the vast majority of which is completely unrealistic, with complex mechanics, even new sets etc. Numbers is all we’ll ever get, so for 2.6.10 let’s at least give feedback towards one direction: don’t ruin the class.

Good luck on that. Won’t happen, though. It’s highly likely they’ll just completely ignore all our feedback and apply number tweaks that leave us even more dumbfounded. Mark my words and prepare for disaster.

Yup, as expected. But wait - it’s even worse, we got NO CHANGE compared to ptr. Warning: sarcasm coming: I had at least expected some heavy nerfs to Hydra, Twister and Arcane Orb. But looks like they want us to endure this wretched crap.

rummaging through my wizdog items

When I saw the original S22 patch notes, I knew there was no hope. Just lost all faith in Blizzard, and rightly so. 10 years of disappoint is enough.

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Saw the final patchnotes and even though I knew what was coming it was still dissapointing to see that once again the PTR is a basically an excercise in absolute futilty.

Posed this almost 3 weeks ago

The only reason I might a actually still do a season is that there probably will be so few Wizards that even I can land a spot on the leaderboard.

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I think we all had low expectations by high hopes. However, we got even less than even our (low) expectations.


They dont know how to buff wizard spells and gear.
I can do it for them. “just raise the damage number values”. Done. Patched!

See, didn’t take much effort! Waiting on Blizzard to be able to do this instead of messing up our builds…

  • If they really wanted us to use (non laggy twisters), then they could’ve made Twisted Sword or any other item grant us the ability to create 1 giant tornado. You know, the one the CPU/AI enemies use and have it stay still to focus on mobs that are pulled together.

Twister will fail in groups, Arcane orb is still weak, Hydras are STILL too weak.
Combine that with the archon/todo nerf they did long ago… I don’t think they know what they’re doing.


Sigh, I always wish that when casting a twister I get the Zoltan Kule variant. The ones we cast look like little dust devils in comparison.

Yeah it’s the same with meteor as well. The meteor we cast (even the Molten Impact rune) is of a smaller scale than the ones casted by the act 4 Morlu mages. That’s actually a reason as to why I sometimes ask for a legendary item that would increase meteor’s size and blast radius. But no such thing has come to pass. That said with the change to etched sigil, I can only hope that we’ll eventually see something to that extent for meteor as well as a multitude of changes for our other arcane spenders (sadly I’m not counting on them).